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Old 08-08-2006, 09:44 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2006
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USB Gamepads in Fedora 5

I'm trying to get my USB gamepad(s) working in Fedora 5. It's a generic USB pad, with 2 controllers on one USB connection.

When I plug it into my computer, fedora automatically creates /dev/input/js0 and /dev/input/js1 for me (as well as /dev/js0 and /dev/js1 which are symbolic links).

I try to cat these files, like is suggested all over these forums, but when I do, it spits out a few garbage characters immediately, but then pushing buttons on the controller doesn't change anything or generate any more.

Running jstest just shows all buttons as off and unpressed. Running jscal with the -c option gets to the point where it asks me to hold axis 0 at minimum position and press a button, but it won't ever accept my button press.

If I run dmesg | grep -i joystick, I get the following entries:

input: USB HID v.100 Joystick [HID 0952:8866] on USB-0000:00:10.2-1
input: USB HID v.100 Joystick [HID 0952:8866] on USB-0000:00:10.1-2

Any suggestions?

(and I know that these gamepads aren't broken, as they work in Windows)

Last edited by gauauu; 08-08-2006 at 10:31 AM.


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