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Old 02-14-2003, 04:18 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2001
Distribution: RH5.2/6.2/7.0/7.1/7.2/9/ES21/ES31
Posts: 91

Rep: Reputation: 15
USB force port

Hey all,

I have a RH 7.3 + gs + omni + gimpprint + cups box running as a print server for about 30 printers, connected via lpt, usb, win9x/nt, and jet direct. It works fine, except when we remove and replace one of the usb printers.

When you configure the system to share the USB printer, you assign it a port, like /dev/usb/lp3, /dev/usb/lp4....

Those are assigned when the printer is plugged in, and are assigned in order of availability. So, if lp2 is used and lp1 is free, and you unplug lp2 and then plug it back in, it goes to lp1, which hoses the print server because that might be assigned to another printer with a different driver.

Is there someway to force a particular usb device to be assigned to a particular port. We often have to temporarily move a printer....

Thanks for any info,
Old 02-14-2003, 06:38 PM   #2
Registered: Dec 2001
Distribution: RH5.2/6.2/7.0/7.1/7.2/9/ES21/ES31
Posts: 91

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Just a revision to my problem --

After some research, it looks like this problem may be rather easily fixable. If the printer module (printer.c) could somehow be told to force the port based on the vendor id + product id, that would be ideal. You'll just have to get those two strings for each printer, and then map them to the specific port. You could make a change in the modules.conf that would accomplish that.

So, am I re-inventing the wheel here, or has this been done?

Thanks again,


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