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Old 01-11-2002, 05:52 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Manchester, UK
Distribution: Mageia
Posts: 814

Rep: Reputation: 40
USB Camera needs SCSI?!

I've got a brand new Fuji finepix 2400 digital camera; before I bought it, I read a little bit about how people had got it working with Linux. Good enough for me I thought.

So, got it today, followed a couple of web sites' advice on how to set it up. They say you have to type:

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/fuji

(after creating /mnt/fuji obv - isn't mount Fuji some nob off mountain? Anyway, I digress. <g>)

Unfortunately it says sda1 doesn't exist. I've done a load of searching round the web (through my wonderful new Smoothwall firewall <g>) and it seems I need to enable SCSI support as you seem to mount the camera as a SCSI device on the USB port. (sic)

Problem is, I cannot suss out how to do this. I've read loads about kernel recompiles, but *surely* I don't have to do that. I've tried updating the system by booting from my Mandrake 8.1 CD, and that does ask about SCSI devices, but it then says it can't find any SCSI devices.

So, what do I do to get my SCSI module up. Why is it always the problems with the getting it up... <BG>
Old 01-11-2002, 07:07 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Manchester UK
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Sadly you will have to recompile. A usb camera is basically the same as a usb scanner. Look in the kernel source (/usr/src/linux) for the docs diredtory. Theres a usb section, in there there's definitely some scanner stuff, and I think some camera bits and bobs. Whether that fuji is supported or not, I don't know.

Good luck!



On thinking about it, MDK 8.1 may have put the scsi emulation in as a module. Look in /lib/modules/whateveryourkernelis/ for anything with scsi in it. You should still read the docs as above.

Last edited by drjimstuckinwin; 01-11-2002 at 07:11 PM.
Old 01-12-2002, 11:32 PM   #3
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dont' recompile...

read this article, it just came out and is BEAUTIFUL. its all there.

basically, all i did was...

1) connect my fujifilm 2300 (i have the same camera as in the article coincidentially) to the usb cable and the cable into the computer (running redhat 7.1 - i had compiled in all of the usb stuff I figured was relative when I did my kernel, see else were for that, or you may not even have to)

2) modprobe usb-storage

3) mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/camera

and cd to /mnt/camera... dcm... whatever... and viola, all my pictures where there. it acts as a mounted (scsi device) drive with fat32 (windows) formatting. quite nice, quite nice.
Old 01-13-2002, 06:02 AM   #4
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Manchester, UK
Distribution: Mageia
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This is similar to a few articles I've seen. Unfortunately, it doesn't get round the fact that sda1 doesn't exist on my machine. It seems the only way to get round this is to recompile the Kernel.

I'm scared! <g>

Thanks for posting the article anyway. :-)
Old 02-25-2002, 06:12 PM   #5
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Registered: Feb 2002
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The good news. No you don't need to recompile. The bad news, I am not expert enought to explain exactly why this is not automatic in Mandrake 8.1.

To make /dev/sda1 appear (it will be a simbolic link to the "real" device -- /dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/part1) you need to install sd_mod. This should be before usb-storage (at least it seems to to have to be before the camera gets registered).

On my system:

1) modprobe sd_mod
2) plug in camera and switch on
3) run dmesg to check all is well!
4) mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/camera

usb-storage is loaded automatically as the camera is detected by the usb sub-system.

To make it more automatic, add:

pre-install usb-storage modprobe sd_mod

on a line in /etc/modules.conf. I am sure this is not the "right" way -- /etc/hotplug looks the proper place but I have not understood that yet!

Now, just plug in and mount.

Hope this helps,
Old 04-16-2002, 08:48 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2002
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Having been struggling with exactly the same problem on a Logitech USB hard disk, modprobe sd_mod did the trick. . .
thank you.
Old 04-29-2002, 12:03 AM   #7
Registered: Mar 2002
Distribution: Debian 3.0
Posts: 31

Rep: Reputation: 15
WOW! I've been struggling to get my Sony DigiCamera to work for ages and that worked right away!

I'm so glad I looked for other people with my issue
Old 03-10-2003, 09:49 AM   #8
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Belgium
Distribution: Mandrake 9.2
Posts: 475

Rep: Reputation: 30
I did all written here but dev/sda1 was not added.


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