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Old 04-01-2006, 08:50 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
Posts: 6

Rep: Reputation: 0
upgraded system, boots but with problems


I have a working system (Suse Linux 10.0), Pentium 4 1.5Ghrz, Two hard disk (80 GB Each) 750 MB of memory, ReiserFS for filesystem

I bough a new motherboard athlon 64 3000+, with 2 GB of DDR 400, the problem is that the Motherboard sees the HD, it boots, starts the booting process, then says loading /dev/hda1 ....... failed skiping
loading /dev/hda2....... falied skiping going to /usr/bin/sh

now I am in the shell. Just remember that the only new thing is the motherboard, but being a 64 bit motherboard I think that is confusing ReiserFS. Did anybody tried this? I can fix this?

Old 04-02-2006, 05:13 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Isles of Man & Wight
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Welcome to LQ.

I am assuming that you are trying to start the old installation (made using the Pentium4 motherboard) using the new Athlon64 3000+ motherboard? Yes/No/Maybe?

Also please advise, if you know, what sort of connections the two 80GB HDD's had/have with the old and new motherboards ... ATA/SATA/SCSI/Other?

Finally, it would be useful to know what sort of media you have/had (used to install Suse10) in the first place. Set of 5 CD's/DVD/Internet or Network download?

Incidentally, do you have a LiveCD such as Knoppix hand - it may come in useful, to be used to partition and/or repartition one or both of your harddrives?

Looking forward to your responses, so that we can help you further.

Old 04-03-2006, 09:18 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
Posts: 6

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
I am assuming that you are trying to start the old installation (made using the Pentium4 motherboard) using the new Athlon64 3000+ motherboard? yes

Also please advise, if you know, what sort of connections the two 80GB HDD's had/have with the old and new motherboards ... ATA ultraDMA 66 (new Motherboard ATA ultraDMA)

Finally, it would be useful to know what sort of media you have/had (used to install Suse10) in the first place. Set of 5 CD's/DVD/Internet or Network download? Internet download

Incidentally, do you have a LiveCD such as Knoppix hand - it may come in useful, to be used to partition and/or repartition one or both of your harddrives?

no (I always forgot to make a CD)

Looking forward to your responses, so that we can help you further.

Thanks for your response

Last edited by crodrigu1; 04-03-2006 at 09:19 AM.


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