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Old 11-06-2002, 02:02 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2002
Posts: 7

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TX2000 causes linux to crash

I seem to have some issues with my Fasttrak TX2000 driver (to Red Hat 7.3). When doing a lot of IO (for instance running mkisofs or overnet) linux freezes once in a while (one or more times a day) and need a hard reset. Before it freeze, it is also most impossible to execute any commands because the system is busy doing IO. The disks isn't moving very much though and system load isn't very high.

I suspect that it is a hardware issue on the TX2000, or the driver provided by promise.

No messages are printed in the logs, except for some FastTrak messages which occurs often but dont have any impact.
Nov 6 20:45:03 host kernel: FastTrak : Drive Interrupt Time Out.(1)
Nov 6 20:45:03 host kernel: FastTrak : RESET Channel1 * DEV1(OK)

Have anybody experienced anything like it?

Best regards,
Old 08-21-2003, 11:50 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 1

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Disable another non-usable onboard IDE port would help.


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