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Old 06-30-2006, 05:46 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2006
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Two harddisks - Duel boot - Windows 98 XP - Suse/Novel Linux

Dear All,
Iam new to this group and Linux too, recently I installed Linux in My system, configuration details are below.

CPU:- AMD Athlon xp +1700
Mother board :- Asus A7N266-VM
RAM:- 512MB

Primary Master:- 80gb Segate
C Drive (Hda1/FAT32) 7.6Gb (Windows 98 Installed)
D Drive (Hda5/FAT32) 18Gb (Windows XP Installed)
E Drive (Hda6/FAT32) 10Gb
F Drive (Hda7/FAT32) 10Gb
G Drive (Hda8/FAT32) 10Gb
H Drive (Hda9/FAT32) 10Gb
I Drive (Hda10/FAT32) 9Gb
Primary Slave:- 40 Gb Segate
/boot (Hdb1/EXT3) 100Mb (SUSE LINUX Ver 10.1)
/ (Hdb5/EXT3) 10GB
Swap (Hdb6/SWAP) 1Gb
J Drive (Hdb7/FAT32) 29GB (Extended type)

I made partitions and installations of windows and LINUX seperately. and for LINUX I given option to put boot files into /boot partion, not in MBR.
now i started customizing my system.
I need one boot menu for all LINUX and windows OS.
so first i tried boot LINUX from windows boot menu. for that i issued following command and created "linux.bin" file

#dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/media/floppy/linux.bin bs=512 count=1

then i placed "LINUX.BIN" file into C:\ of windows partion and made change in BOOT.IN file.
i got menu option linux. but if i select, im not going to LINUX instead of that im getting GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB like on screen fully.
please guide me what could be the problem.
Then i tried to make extra entry on LINUX grub scree it self.
for this i made necessary changes in menu.lst file, now i got option "windows xp/98" if i select this im able go windows boot menu,
from there if i select windows xp, then my system is working fine.
but if i select windows 98, that also working. but in my computer im getting new drives there.
actually should get drives like following
C Drive (Hda1/FAT32) 7.6Gb (Windows 98 Installed)
D Drive (Hda5/FAT32) 18Gb (Windows XP Installed)
E Drive (Hda6/FAT32) 10Gb
F Drive (Hda7/FAT32) 10Gb
G Drive (Hda8/FAT32) 10Gb
H Drive (Hda9/FAT32) 10Gb
I Drive (Hda10/FAT32) 9Gb
J Drive (Hdb7/FAT32) 29GB (Extended type)

but iam getting
C Drive (Hda1/FAT32) 7.6Gb (Windows 98 Installed)
D Unknown type and if i click error comming
E Unknown type and if i click error comming
F Unknown type and if i click error comming
G Unknown type and if i click error comming
H Drive (Hda5/FAT32) 18Gb (Windows XP Installed)
I Drive (Hda6/FAT32) 10Gb
J Drive (Hda7/FAT32) 10Gb
K Drive (Hda8/FAT32) 10Gb
L Drive (Hda9/FAT32) 10Gb
M Drive (Hda10/FAT32) 9Gb
J Drive (Hdb7/FAT32) 29GB (Extended type)

Why these extra drives.
if i boot the disk which is containing windows partitions by selecting in BIOS. im getting proper drive assignment and working fine.
if i boot windows from linux grub screen then im into this problems
Please help me to comeout from this problem.
Sorry for long mail, since im very new to linux i tried to explain my problem, and at the same time i tried to provide more information about my system and what i done and what happend.


Old 06-30-2006, 09:04 AM   #2
LQ 5k Club
Registered: Oct 2003
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most people will have less hassles if they put grub into the mbr and then using the menu examples in my tutorial CHAINLOAD to the MS bootloader that sits in your c partition called ntldr.

As I do not have XP I can not test the other way which is for ntldr to chainload to grub if grub in your /boot partition.
there is a link in my tut that you may prefer to read but I am hinting it it better to use grub.

(2) if things go awry, you may need to have a MS disc and know how to use the rescue mbr facility that should be on your cd.q

(3) if you want more work the ntldr...chainloader way you can follow the trouble shooter pressing C for commands but I am still suggesting its quicker to put grub into MBR and be done with it.

good luck


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