Two harddisks - Duel boot - Windows 98 XP - Suse/Novel Linux
Dear All,
Iam new to this group and Linux too, recently I installed Linux in My system, configuration details are below.
CPU:- AMD Athlon xp +1700
Mother board :- Asus A7N266-VM
RAM:- 512MB
Primary Master:- 80gb Segate
C Drive (Hda1/FAT32) 7.6Gb (Windows 98 Installed)
D Drive (Hda5/FAT32) 18Gb (Windows XP Installed)
E Drive (Hda6/FAT32) 10Gb
F Drive (Hda7/FAT32) 10Gb
G Drive (Hda8/FAT32) 10Gb
H Drive (Hda9/FAT32) 10Gb
I Drive (Hda10/FAT32) 9Gb
Primary Slave:- 40 Gb Segate
/boot (Hdb1/EXT3) 100Mb (SUSE LINUX Ver 10.1)
/ (Hdb5/EXT3) 10GB
Swap (Hdb6/SWAP) 1Gb
J Drive (Hdb7/FAT32) 29GB (Extended type)
I made partitions and installations of windows and LINUX seperately. and for LINUX I given option to put boot files into /boot partion, not in MBR.
now i started customizing my system.
I need one boot menu for all LINUX and windows OS.
so first i tried boot LINUX from windows boot menu. for that i issued following command and created "linux.bin" file
#dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/media/floppy/linux.bin bs=512 count=1
then i placed "LINUX.BIN" file into C:\ of windows partion and made change in BOOT.IN file.
i got menu option linux. but if i select, im not going to LINUX instead of that im getting GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB like on screen fully.
please guide me what could be the problem.
Then i tried to make extra entry on LINUX grub scree it self.
for this i made necessary changes in menu.lst file, now i got option "windows xp/98" if i select this im able go windows boot menu,
from there if i select windows xp, then my system is working fine.
but if i select windows 98, that also working. but in my computer im getting new drives there.
actually should get drives like following
C Drive (Hda1/FAT32) 7.6Gb (Windows 98 Installed)
D Drive (Hda5/FAT32) 18Gb (Windows XP Installed)
E Drive (Hda6/FAT32) 10Gb
F Drive (Hda7/FAT32) 10Gb
G Drive (Hda8/FAT32) 10Gb
H Drive (Hda9/FAT32) 10Gb
I Drive (Hda10/FAT32) 9Gb
J Drive (Hdb7/FAT32) 29GB (Extended type)
but iam getting
C Drive (Hda1/FAT32) 7.6Gb (Windows 98 Installed)
D Unknown type and if i click error comming
E Unknown type and if i click error comming
F Unknown type and if i click error comming
G Unknown type and if i click error comming
H Drive (Hda5/FAT32) 18Gb (Windows XP Installed)
I Drive (Hda6/FAT32) 10Gb
J Drive (Hda7/FAT32) 10Gb
K Drive (Hda8/FAT32) 10Gb
L Drive (Hda9/FAT32) 10Gb
M Drive (Hda10/FAT32) 9Gb
J Drive (Hdb7/FAT32) 29GB (Extended type)
Why these extra drives.
if i boot the disk which is containing windows partitions by selecting in BIOS. im getting proper drive assignment and working fine.
if i boot windows from linux grub screen then im into this problems
Please help me to comeout from this problem.
Sorry for long mail, since im very new to linux i tried to explain my problem, and at the same time i tried to provide more information about my system and what i done and what happend.