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Old 04-01-2006, 10:16 AM   #1
Richard Craneum
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 13

Rep: Reputation: 0
TV Tuner With Conexant cx88xx Chipset

This is what it shows in Hardrake...
This is the TV card itself.
Vendor: ‎Hauppauge
Description: ‎WinTV PCI card (88x chip based)
Bus: ‎PCI
Bus PCI #: ‎2
PCI device #: ‎1
PCI function #: ‎0
Vendor ID: ‎5361
Device ID: ‎34816
Sub vendor ID: ‎112
Sub device ID: ‎13313
Module: ‎cx8800

This is on Other Multimedia Devices....
Vendor: ‎Conexant
Description: ‎CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder [Audio Port]
Bus: ‎PCI
Bus PCI #: ‎2
PCI device #: ‎1
PCI function #: ‎1
Vendor ID: ‎5361
Device ID: ‎34817
Sub vendor ID: ‎112
Sub device ID: ‎13313
Module: ‎unknown

This is on Keyboard... WTF?????
Vendor: ‎
Description: ‎cx88 IR (Hauppauge WinTV 34xxx
Vendor ID: ‎0070
Device ID: ‎3401
Module: ‎kbd

Can somebody tell me how to fix it?
Old 04-01-2006, 10:32 AM   #2
Richard Craneum
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 13

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Rep: Reputation: 0
After I did my PCs and made the Graphic Card to work like it should. I threw the TV Tuner card on it. Nothing happened during boot (no errors no asking for CDs neither) but when I opened KDE TV was there and recognized. Now has a small problem... Scanned the Channels and from 125 and T... Channels all are Channel 2 only Shocked ! So no matter what channel is it, all of them are Channel 2. I took the XML file from my other PC and Imported to the other PC. All TV Channels comes on the list with all the Frequencies on the Edit (if you right click on the Channel). Anyway... Still Channel 2 on every single channel on this thing. I know I am almost there but anybody has a clue on why is doing this? I have a SWAG that the Driver is stuck on one Channel. But did scanned all the Channels? Did Scanned the same Channel 125 times plus the T Channels?

I went to lunch to my place and installed LIRC to see if it will work. I did exactly the same thing I did with my other TV tuner card. Now the IR shows in Hardrake as a Keyboard... I tried to use the config tool on Hardrake and ask what kind of Keyboard I have ( perhaps Mandriva sees it as an input device like a Keyboard no as a IR input device). Now I have and a list of Keyboard Manufacturers to choose from...

By the way, the card works with the pesky WinXP so I know the hardware is fine, Radio, TV and IR. Beside, Channel 2 (the only channel so far...) has a better picture on Linux than WinXP does... go figured that one.

I forgot is Kernel 2.6.12-12

Last edited by Richard Craneum; 04-01-2006 at 10:34 AM.


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