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Old 04-07-2003, 06:42 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 13

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Turtle Beach Santa Cruz and ALSA

I'm running RedHat 8, and I have a TB Santa Cruz card, which is the Cirrus Logic CS4630 chipset. With this card, I have a 5-channel + sub set of speakers.

I downloaded the alsa packages, and followed the instructions on the website for my card, and after a few trial and error runs (after you compile, make sure you remove the existing sound server modules before trying to load the alsa modules: modprobe -r cs46xx; modprobe snd-cs46xx), I was able to load the module, and my speakers responded with a strange, high pitch noise, which seemed to indicate that it had loaded. I then used the alsamixer utility to set the volume for each of the channels to something audible, and tried playing a sound. I still could not get any sound from it tho.
[Edit] As it turns out, the mixer was just too low. In windows, I can't have the master volume up higher than 25% for normal use, otherwise it is painfully loud. I had the master volume set at about 23% and couldn't hear anything. I turned that up to about 70%, and I could faintly hear the sound playing, but I couldn't tell if anything was going to the rear or not. [/Edit]

Does anyone have any suggestions? Maybe someone who has successfully configured this card in linux (after getting sound at all, the next step is obviously getting the full range of channels to play)? One particular problem that I'm kind of getting lost with, is configuring the .asoundrc file correctly for a 6-speaker system.

Thanks a lot for the help

Last edited by maejrep; 04-07-2003 at 06:45 AM.
Old 04-07-2003, 07:42 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 13

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After adjusting the mixer quite a bit (If you use the TkAlsaMixer, you'll need to edit the exec syntax to match newer versions -- only reason I can imagine for it not working is that it was written for an old version), I can play sounds, and even play an MP3. However, nothing I've tried so far will get the center, surround, or subwoofer to put out anything. All I have are the left and right channels. I have a feeling the .asoundrc file has a lot to do with this. Any suggestions? :\


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