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Old 07-22-2006, 07:42 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Finland
Distribution: Arch Linux
Posts: 80

Rep: Reputation: 15
Trouble burning DVDs

Hello, I have a problem with burning DVD+RWs. I've tried using Nautilus' CD Burner and X-CD-Roast, but they refure to recognize the disc as a DVD-RW. (I've updated the firmware of my burner recently.) Burning CD-RWs goes fine with X-CD-Roeast, but Nautilus Burner has never allowed rewriting RW media.

With X-CD-Roast, as a normal user, I get the following message:

Calling: /usr/lib/xcdroast-0.98/bin/xcdrwrap CDRECORD dev= "/dev/dvd" gracetime=2 fs=4096k driveropts=noburnfree,noforcespeed -v -useinfo speed=4 -dao -eject -pad -data "/home/jjonas/tmp/track-01.iso" ...

cdrecord: Cannot allocate memory. WARNING: Cannot do mlockall(2).
cdrecord: WARNING: This causes a high risk for buffer underruns.
cdrecord: Operation not permitted. WARNING: Cannot set RR-scheduler
cdrecord: Permission denied. WARNING: Cannot set priority using setpriority().
cdrecord: WARNING: This causes a high risk for buffer underruns.
scsidev: '/dev/dvd'
devname: '/dev/dvd'
scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
Warning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.
Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
SCSI buffer size: 64512
cdrecord: Found DVD media: using cdr_mdvd.
Cdrecord-Clone 2.01.01a03-dvd (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jörg Schilling
Note: This version is an unofficial (modified) version with DVD support
Note: and therefore may have bugs that are not present in the original.
Note: Please send bug reports or support requests to warly at
Note: The author of cdrecord should not be bothered with problems in this version.
TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
Driveropts: 'noburnfree,noforcespeed'
atapi: 1
Device type : Removable CD-ROM
Version : 0
Response Format: 2
Capabilities :
Vendor_info : 'LITE-ON '
Identifikation : 'DVDRW LDW-851S '
Revision : 'GS0P'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW.
Current: 0x001A
Profile: 0x001B
Profile: 0x001A (current)
Profile: 0x0014
Profile: 0x0013
Profile: 0x0011
Profile: 0x0010
Profile: 0x000A
Profile: 0x0009
Profile: 0x0008
Using Session At Once (SAO) for DVD mode.
Using Session At Once (SAO) for DVD mode.
Using Session At Once (SAO) for DVD mode.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc DVD-R(W) driver (mmc_mdvd).
Supported modes: PACKET SAO
Drive buf size : 1602048 = 1564 KB
FIFO size : 4194304 = 4096 KB
cdrecord: WARNING: Data may not fit on current disk.
cdrecord: Notice: Most recorders cannot write CD's >= 90 minutes.
cdrecord: Notice: Use -ignsize option to allow >= 90 minutes.
cdrecord: Notice: Use -overburn option to write more than the official disk capacity.
cdrecord: Notice: Most CD-writers do overburning only on SAO or RAW mode.
pregap1: -1
Track 01: data 4553 MB padsize: 30 KB
Total size: 5229 MB (518:04.21) = 2331316 sectors
Lout start: 5229 MB (518:06/16) = 2331316 sectors
Current Secsize: 2048
ATIP start of lead in: -150 (00:00/00)
Disk type: unknown dye (reserved id code)
Manuf. index: -1
Manufacturer: unknown (not in table)
Blocks total: 2295104 Blocks current: 2295104 Blocks remaining: -36212

I tried to do it as root, too, but it didn't work out. The log is a bit different, though:

Calling: /usr/lib/xcdroast-0.98/bin/xcdrwrap CDRECORD dev= "/dev/dvd" gracetime=2 fs=4096k driveropts=burnfree,noforcespeed -v -useinfo speed=4 -dao -eject -pad -data "/home/jjonas/tmp/track-01.iso" ...

scsidev: '/dev/dvd'
devname: '/dev/dvd'
scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
Warning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.
Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
SCSI buffer size: 64512
cdrecord: Found DVD media: using cdr_mdvd.
Cdrecord-Clone 2.01.01a03-dvd (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jörg Schilling
Note: This version is an unofficial (modified) version with DVD support
Note: and therefore may have bugs that are not present in the original.
Note: Please send bug reports or support requests to warly at
Note: The author of cdrecord should not be bothered with problems in this version.
TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
Driveropts: 'burnfree,noforcespeed'
atapi: 1
Device type : Removable CD-ROM
Version : 0
Response Format: 2
Capabilities :
Vendor_info : 'LITE-ON '
Identifikation : 'DVDRW LDW-851S '
Revision : 'GS0P'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW.
Current: 0x001A
Profile: 0x001B
Profile: 0x001A (current)
Profile: 0x0014
Profile: 0x0013
Profile: 0x0011
Profile: 0x0010
Profile: 0x000A
Profile: 0x0009
Profile: 0x0008
Using Session At Once (SAO) for DVD mode.
Using Session At Once (SAO) for DVD mode.
Using Session At Once (SAO) for DVD mode.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc DVD-R(W) driver (mmc_mdvd).
Supported modes: PACKET SAO
Drive buf size : 1602048 = 1564 KB
FIFO size : 4194304 = 4096 KB
cdrecord: WARNING: Data may not fit on current disk.
cdrecord: Notice: Most recorders cannot write CD's >= 90 minutes.
cdrecord: Notice: Use -ignsize option to allow >= 90 minutes.
cdrecord: Notice: Use -overburn option to write more than the official disk capacity.
cdrecord: Notice: Most CD-writers do overburning only on SAO or RAW mode.
pregap1: -1
Old 07-22-2006, 09:37 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Dec 2005
Location: Indiana
Distribution: RHEL/CentOS/SL 5 i386 and x86_64 pata for IDE in use
Posts: 4,790

Rep: Reputation: 58
So use k3b and growisofs (dvd+rw-tools) like many others;

You should be able to find/use rpm packages for Mandriva 2006 from many sources including your Mandriva 2006 media.


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