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Old 02-15-2022, 10:56 PM   #16
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Hi Chris,

I am on Fedora 34 - will eventually switch to 35....

I use KDE desktop environment, and when I plug in a USB key - I need to mount it - an icon appears (it looks like a USB A connector) in my system tray area - when I click it - it lists disks and devices that have been connected to the system and a Message saying "Mount and Open" or "Remove Safely" (when it is mounted).

So, I would assume you are just missing that. I cannot access my USB devices without clicking that "Mount and Open" button.

- 6th.
Old 02-16-2022, 06:37 PM   #17
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Thanks for all replies, I'm hoping we'll get somewhere.

@6th_sense - not sure if this is the issue, as when I plug/unplug a pendrive, literally nothing happens (I tested with dmsg -w command). When I try to plug a mouse, it works, but it doesn't in case of pendrive.

I did some googling (probably I should say DuckDuckGoing, as I'm heading towards open souce and privacy) and I came across this thread (I hope I won't get banned for posting links to another forum):

I think it's pretty close to what I'm experiencing, but I have no idea what he's talking about in his solution:

Okay, I`ve solved the issue.
I had to set the screen under the USB settings the KVM value from Auto to USB C. Dont know why, but it worked.
Where are these settings?

Old 02-16-2022, 06:52 PM   #18
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My bad. I saw Mint instead of fedora. Backing out.

Last edited by rokytnji; 02-16-2022 at 06:58 PM.
Old 02-17-2022, 07:38 AM   #19
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Is there anything like that in Mint? I have the same there as well - tested on LiveCD


Last edited by chris1407; 02-17-2022 at 08:09 AM.
Old 02-17-2022, 09:21 PM   #20
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I think the issue is likely that you are connecting it to a usb port which is downstream of an hdmi connection. Thus the system does not see it as a native usb controller and does not respond to connecting devices there the same as if it were a native controller connection.

This seems similar to the way the system handles (or fails to handle) some connections via a docking station. The extra layer of hardware interferes with some functions.
Old 02-17-2022, 11:43 PM   #21
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^ We are beginning to go in circles.
OP posted a while ago:
Originally Posted by chris1407 View Post
There are 2 connections between the monitor and the laptop - HDMI and USB. If there is only HDMI, then I can't use the USB ports in the monitor. If I plug the USB cable to the laptop, then it extends it with these additional USB ports in the monitor.

So I did another test - I unplugged the USB cable from the laptop (stop USB hub), and plugged it again. In that case the USB HUB started to work

Originally Posted by chris1407 View Post
I think it's pretty close to what I'm experiencing, but I have no idea what he's talking about in his solution:
Maybe they're refering to a settings menu on the monitor itself? Or in the BIOS of the computer?
Old 02-21-2022, 02:10 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by ondoho View Post
^ We are beginning to go in circles.
Maybe they're refering to a settings menu on the monitor itself? Or in the BIOS of the computer?
I checked them both, unfortunately there are none.
Old 02-23-2022, 10:39 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by chris1407 View Post
Thanks for all replies, I'm hoping we'll get somewhere.

@6th_sense - not sure if this is the issue, as when I plug/unplug a pendrive, literally nothing happens (I tested with dmsg -w command). When I try to plug a mouse, it works, but it doesn't in case of pendrive.

I did some googling (probably I should say DuckDuckGoing, as I'm heading towards open souce and privacy) and I came across this thread (I hope I won't get banned for posting links to another forum):

I think it's pretty close to what I'm experiencing, but I have no idea what he's talking about in his solution:

Where are these settings?

Hi Chris,

What He is Talking about:

I don't know what he is talking about here.

My Machine's Setup: (How it might be different)

It is probably because I don't own a USB hub to connect my machine to - I do, on the other hand, have a USB C docking station - and I know that some of the ports on that docking station are blocked for other uses by the dock itself. I initially had a 90 Watt power supply (my laptop and dock are lenovo thinkpads) - which wasn't the proper power supply and this caused the docking station to re-jig it's output - power was supplied by a different USB-C port than the one that indicated power to the laptop, and so on... When I got the right power supply (the 135 Watt supply), it started behaving correctly within the 2nd use of the docking station. I am not sure if this is related to what you are experiencing.

Fedora 34 Setup Settings That Might Help You:

I do also know that in Fedora 34 - which is what I have installed - as I normally stay one version behind the latest system (to avoid a lot of bugs) - Fedora 34 has a setting in "Settings" called "Removeable Storage" and it has a checkbox, which will allow you to automount removeable media.

If you select this box and save that - I'm keeping my fingers crossed - you may be able to fix your issue.
Old 02-23-2022, 03:37 PM   #24
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Thank you for all the help. Unfortunately I haven't noticed any "automount" setting in my settings (see the attachment).

I also observed, that mounting in the monitor's USB HUB is only problematic with USB 3.0 devices (e.g. pendrives). All USB 2.0 mount fine (automatically). That would explain why I can use mouse/keyboard etc just fine.

However, the same USB 3.0 devices mount automatically when plugged directly into the laptop.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot.png
Views:	13
Size:	60.5 KB
ID:	38454  

Last edited by chris1407; 02-23-2022 at 03:39 PM.
Old 02-24-2022, 04:56 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by chris1407 View Post
Thank you for all the help. Unfortunately I haven't noticed any "automount" setting in my settings (see the attachment).

I also observed, that mounting in the monitor's USB HUB is only problematic with USB 3.0 devices (e.g. pendrives). All USB 2.0 mount fine (automatically). That would explain why I can use mouse/keyboard etc just fine.

However, the same USB 3.0 devices mount automatically when plugged directly into the laptop.
That's explained by having a cantankerous usb-2.x hub.
Old 02-24-2022, 11:11 PM   #26
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Hmmm.... Does sound like you might have hit on the issue.

I know that in the past, I've had a problem, when I tried connecting USB 2.0 cable to a USB 3.0 port (with the blue color) - initially it worked and then after some time it no longer worked to charge my phone from my laptop. Not sure why.

I'm also attaching an image of my fedora 34 settings box - they look worlds apart and I've not experienced that much of a difference from one Fedora to the next in the past. Not sure why your settings looks so primitive in comparison - could have something to do with having a much older machine - but, that is just a guess.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	settings-RemovableStorage.png
Views:	7
Size:	101.8 KB
ID:	38464  
Old 02-25-2022, 06:31 AM   #27
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Usb-3.0 capable devices should downgrade automagically to the slowest item, but the hub isn't really considered to be an item. If the usb drive says "I'm good for usb-3.x" and the port is usb-3.x, you're suddenly looking at source code to find out what they'll do with a usb-2.x hub.

I think we've enough there to call out the hub as 2.x only, unless the OP has tested it on usb-3.x and found it working.

@OP: Can you test your setup with a known good usb-3.x hub? Alternatively do you introduce a fault in usb3 connections by inserting that hub?
Old 03-04-2022, 01:47 PM   #28
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My monitor specs (Dell U2414h) say the HUB is 3.0 capable so it shouldn't be an issue. I've used the same setup on Windows for years, and it worked just fine. Unfortunately I don't have the access to another 3.0 hub....

Thanks for all responses!
Old 03-11-2022, 04:27 PM   #29
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This seems like a (to me) normal USB hub management issue.
The monitor contains a usb hub. When it is plugged into the laptop USB port (which is itself already downstream of a usb hub) or the laptop is rebooted the remote hub is scanned and all devices attached are identified and handled.

When a device attached to the remote hub is disconnected then reconnected udev is not triggered to scan the remote hub again so the newly attached devices are not seen. Unplugging the remote hub in the monitor from the laptop then plugging it back in triggers the scan once more and all attached devices are now seen. I have seen similar issues for many years with USB and external hubs. This is a feature (failing?) of the way udev works and I have no info on how or if it is possible to improve it.

Similar issues are seen on networks where sometimes ethernet switches are daisy-chained and the devices at the remote ends (more than one removed from the main hub) may have communication issues.


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