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Old 02-12-2022, 04:47 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2022
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Tricky USB mount problem

Hello there, this is my first post here as I'm trying to switch from Win 7 to Fedora (35).

I have a strange issue with one of my USB ports. I read a couple of threads about mounting USB devices, but haven't found the answer.

So I'm using a laptop connected to Dell monitor. The monitor is connected via HDMI, but it can also serve as an USB hub (if I connect it via USB additionally).

The problem is that when I try to connect a pendrive to one of the monitor's USB ports - it's not mounted. I can't see any difference typing lsusb command with the pendrive plugged in, and without it being plugged in. There is nothing in "Disks" app about my pendrive either. When I plug the mouse in, then it works fine. When I reboot the system with the pendrive plugged it, it also works fine, and mounts automatically. However, when I unplug it, I'm unable to plug and mount it again (unless I reboot the system again).

On Linux Mint, it works fine - it's recognized each and every time.

What can be the problem?

Old 02-13-2022, 09:30 AM   #2
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