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Old 09-26-2005, 07:31 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Distribution: Suse 9.2/9.3
Posts: 1

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Sorted: Thinkpad - suddenly clock wrong & no mouse under suse


Hope somebody can help - my IBM thinkpad has had a few problems recently, & is heading quickly downhill! The details:

IBM Thinkpad R30 (approx 5 yrs old)
Distro - Suse 9.1
kernel - 2.6.4-52-default

Basically, the problem is this... I had an old laptop that I didn't use which ran NT, so I upgraded the HD from 30GB to a clean 80GB one, put in an extra 512MB RAM & installed Suse. It worked great, and all was well with the world until I booted it up the other day to find my glidepoint mouse didn't work. (Tried plugging in a USB mouse, and that worked fine.) Also, I noticed the clock was wrong, it had reset to sometime in 1999! When I fixed the clock it crashed, and after that re-boot, the keyboard stopped working! The keys have since come back, but when I boot up, I still get no mouse and a different wrong time on the clock.

I'm thinking maybe battery issues, but I'm not sure what to do about it?

If anybody thinks that upgrading Suse would help, that's no problem, just let me know, I have 9.2 and 9.3 DVDs, I'd just stuck with the older one as it was all I had on me at home to install (plus i though my old machine might find life a bit easier with it!).



SOLVED: somehow the trackpad had become disabled in my BIOS, which is the wierdest thing ever, as I am the only machine user!!!! I also had some problems with the keyboard - they seem to have abated for now, so I just hope it lasts... Cheers.

Last edited by woohoo; 09-26-2005 at 07:00 PM.
Old 09-26-2005, 11:56 PM   #2
LQ Veteran
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Boise, ID
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Congrats on solving the problem Lynne and thanks for posting back with the solution that worked for you.

BTW, Welcome to LQ!! -- J.W.


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