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Old 04-18-2006, 04:21 AM   #16
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k3b under KDE

k3b is cool user-frendly tool for copy on KDE desktop enviroment under GNU+linux.

Did you try right click > show controls on xine ? In my opinion its as easy as mplayer.Anyway I just installed MPlayer-1.0pre7-pm.3.i586.rpm with just rpm -ivh and suse 10.0 did not ask me to downgrade my gcc. gcc --version showed this :
gcc (GCC) 4.0.2 20050901 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux).What version of SuSe and gcc and MPlayer do you have ?
Old 04-18-2006, 06:49 AM   #17
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Mplayer will ask you to downgrade gcc if you compile it with gcc4.0+
Old 04-21-2006, 12:40 PM   #18
Registered: Dec 2005
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I use google to find a patch that disbles the gcc 4 check in the configure script. I am at work right now, and don't have it on me. But if you have a little scripting experience, you could start with a fresh MPlayer tarball, extract it and rename it to Mplayer.orig. Extract the tarball again, enter in that directory. Open the configure script in a text editor and look for the gcc 4 conditions. Delete them. Do diff -uNr Mplayer(blah) Mplayer.orig > gcc4_fix.patch.
I did this once when I thought I lost the patch, and couldn't remember the website where I got it. Seemed to work. I aint a programmer. Mplayer runs.

to apply the patch you made copy it into the source tree and type cat gcc4_fix.patch | patch -p1
do the configure script and you shouldn't get a error saying use gcc 3.
Gentoo's distiles files directory has patches to.

Old 04-22-2006, 04:12 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by ibex
On the other end my problems is not solved ( yet.
I followed the steps that JW advised. I did hear the fanfare.
My system is not entirely soundless - with some effort** I can
play Audio CDs. But I have no success playing any mp3 file from
my files. Also, the notifications sounds are interrupted and not
clear. I looked for specific information around but in vain.
Any insight deeply appreciated,
Best luck to you

** I need to "open with" e.g. Kaffeine the audio CD
and then go at the tool bar and change the "NEW" to "Audio CD".
Then works. Of course I dream to play some DVD movies too ....
this is a general problem in suse. i have searched all over the net, and i found out that the solution is simple. i am not an advanced user, but i think this is the only solution and it is written nearly nowhere. All you have to do is entering YOU(yast online update), and when it shows you the files that will be uploaded, select "Multimedia Pack 1" in the list. When the system is updated, reboot the system and all of your mp3's will work fine
Old 06-06-2006, 11:21 AM   #20
Registered: May 2005
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Also worth noting (even though this thread is a little old and ibex may be up and running by now):

There are precompiled binaries for just about every respectable media player out there, especially for Suse. Installing Mplayer from the Software Management module in Yast should be all that it takes. There should be no need to fiddle with the command line or the compiler version. If Mplayer or your codecs are not listed in yast's module, then you need to add some of the usual repositories to your installation sources, like packman, et. al. If you prefer to download the binaries manually from some place like or, you still can install them from the gui in konqueror simply by clicking on the .rpm file, which will open the "kfmclient" and give you buttons to either install the package or use the directory it is in as a yast source so that it will be listed when you open up the Software Management module. Alternatively, if you are really married to the command line, .rpm's can be installed via the text-mode version of yast using
yast -i package-name.rpm
or the yast software management module's gui using
yast2 -i package-name.rpm
either way should allow for an unattended install of the package, and wildcards can be used to install multiple packages at one time, such as
yast -i mplayer*
yast2 -i mplayerplugin*
or even simply
yast -i *
of course, the latter three examples assume that all of the files in the directory are .rpm files or else yast will flip out when you try to hand it a file it doesn't understand using the wildcard. If you have tarballs or other such laying around the directory from previous install efforts you will have to include the extension along with the wildcards
yast -i *.rpm
When I do these types of installs from the command line, I typically use the text-based yast method (instead of "yast2") because there is no need for the gui eye-candy to spend all day loading for an install that is going to be pretty much unattended anyway. Of course, if you have a lot of repositories listed and they are all set to refresh you will have to wait for each one to refresh every time you run the installer from the command line, thus using wildcards to install several .rpm's at once can save you a lot of time unless you go in ahead of time and turn off the refresh on your sources.

It seems to me that any of these options is a lot easier than trying to compile from source which, although relatively easy (especially for a linux veteran), gives you lots of opportunity for error due to small mistakes (like a type-o in your kernel version in the makefile) and minor compatability problems (like ibex's compiler issue). Simply installing a precompiled binary from a repository in the gui is practically impossible to mess up and installing a binary from the command line is virtually foolproof if you keep your spelling and syntax straight. Heck, if you completely fail at finding an .rpm of the package you want, I'm pretty sure yast also supports .deb binaries, too! (I may be mistaken on that last sentence, so feel free to correct me if I am)

Best of luck to ibex and anyone else who stumbles into this thread looking for similar advice...

Old 06-06-2006, 09:39 PM   #21
Registered: Jun 2004
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What should I do if I get the error that:

The kernel module snd-intel8x0 for sound support could not be loaded. this can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.

My sound worked perfectly in 10.0, what gives?
Old 06-08-2006, 12:34 PM   #22
Registered: May 2005
Location: Texas, somewhere near Houston (I think)
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This thread is kind of old and you were never involved in the original issue. You are having a whole separate problem.

It would behoove you to start a new thread with your question and a lot more specifics about your system and problem rather than hijack and old and unrelated thread. That will get you more exposure and more relevant responses. If you think that this thread is relevant or related you can link to it in the post that you start the new thread with.

You do seem to have the right forum, though.

Viel gluck!



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