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Old 02-11-2010, 11:59 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2009
Posts: 111

Rep: Reputation: 17
Angry SUSE ATI Video Card, Monitors go blank for X-Windows PLEASE HELP

So after I installed the ATI Radeon 3400 series video card in my machine, the Xserver cant start! after it loads, it takes me to the init 3. When I tried startx, the screens either go blank or doesnt let me.

I tried to install everything following this website:

w w w

I wanted dual monitors but now I cant even get one. The xwindows doesnt appear.

Things I tried:
1. Deleted the xorg.conf and reconfigured (didnt work).
2. sax2 -r -m 0=versa (didnt work)
3. reconfigured the ATI radeon driver from init 3 (didnt work)
4. copy and paste the oold version of xorg.conf (didnt work)
5. tried to run set apt or dpkg-reconfigure command (commands not found)
6. tried xconfig and prompt the best I coudl (didnt work).
7. aticonfig commands (As shown in website) (also didnt work)

Please anything else I can try?
I have the live CD to run it from there but I dont know what to do once I get to the terminal.

Is there any way I can revert to previous configuration since the ATI driver gives me some problems? Like a restore function in windows?

Can someone explain how or what files I should change for the X-server to run properly (is there any other file than xorg.conf?....)

PLease anything any clue will be greatly appreciate, I spent one entire day trying to figure it out.

The monitors I have:
2009W Dell Monitor
1398 Dell Monitor (I wan to get the dual exntended monitor but it seems to gave me only the mirror image, thats why I tried to reconfigure the video card)

ATI HD Radeon Mobile 3400 Series

Dell Optiplex 680 (i believe) with SUSE 11.26 and x86_64 bit

Or if you can send me the xorg.conf file ...then it will be great!!
Thank you in advance.
Old 02-12-2010, 12:14 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Hi -

All of the things you tried (especially "sax -r" and deleting xorg.conf) were good ideas, and, typically, any *one* of the things you tried should probably have worked. You're definitely on the right track!

Look at your Xorg.0.log file, try to identify the "first" error, and cut/paste it here.

Thanx in advance .. PSM

You might try to create a "dummy user" and log in as that user. Perhaps the real problem is in your local user configuration, and not the global X settings.

Last edited by paulsm4; 02-12-2010 at 12:17 AM.
Old 02-12-2010, 10:21 AM   #3
Registered: Jun 2009
Posts: 111

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 17
Apparently this log file is very big. I cant copy all of it unless you want me to.
The first line of error deal with...

(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/local" does not exit.
Entry deleted from font path
and continues.

Besides this i dont see any error....thanks in advance


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