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Old 08-01-2006, 12:27 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2005
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Suse 10.1 Ati X850 And Banter

Ok I know my way around in linux with many distros, and I had Suse 9x running perfectly on my Dell Laptop, with wireless, wine, and cedega pretty much everything was good.

Now I get SuSe 10.1 and its more annoying, yast barely works, only through cd updates.. But I got smart packager that is handling all my installs so everything is good.

Only problem is the ATI driver, Ive tried all those 10.0, and I tried a few 10.1 tutorials and they don't seemed to work.

Reason is I do the commands and stuff is not working, I dunno.. I got the control center before, but still only mesa in there no ati or fglrx.

My final question is, since Ill try to figure out all my other problems on my own, is about "kpt"

When you right click a folder and put the applet on the task bar using KDE and then you can easily set it up and give it a name and all that stuff.

Well I can connect to it but no one else can.. Im trying to share stuff from work and with friends, anyone help me out on that?

Like what is the address or something you connect to. Ok that is it.


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