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Old 04-12-2006, 05:10 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: Arch, Debian sid, Kubuntu, Slackware 11
Posts: 324

Rep: Reputation: 30
Strange cdrom behavior


I've just bought a laptop with a DVD+-RW. Now I have noticed that first of all, its supposed write speed is never achieved when writing. I understand now that that is usual, though on my usual computer my old CD-RW writes with speeds greater than it's designed for (not much really, 13x instead of 13x, but anyway, it exceeds at least the speed given by manufacturer). So that's kind of odd.

And then yesterday, when I planned to rip some of cd-s from my collection, I noticed another strange behaviour. First of all it's impossible to rip any copy controlled discs with the laptop it seems. I am aware that that is the purpose for making those cds, but when I try to rip the same copy controlled cds on my stationary computer with an old DVD-player, everything runs perfectly smooth.

And now I've discovered one more annoying thing this morning: I listened to some songs I've ripped on my laptop and one of them seemed to be corrupted (ripped them off a non-copy controlled cd mind you). It sounded like there was a rscratch in the cd or something. So I checked the cd, nothing there. Reripped the track with different rippers (still on the laptop), the same artifact. Cdparanoia gives me :-/ (read drift) and :-P (Unreported loss of streaming in atomic read operation). Tried then to listen to it on the laptop again - everything is perfectly fine, no artifacts, perfect sound. Then tried to rip the track on the my stationary computer --> Amazing no artefacts, good sound quality.

So I am kind of bewildered..... Haven't got the slightest idea of why this is happening

Has anyone got a clue?

Old 04-12-2006, 05:29 AM   #2
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: Arch, Debian sid, Kubuntu, Slackware 11
Posts: 324

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 30
OK, I've tried to force paranoia to use a lower read speed, and it worked fine for the artifact issue. But the two problems mentioned earlier remain...


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