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Old 11-02-2002, 03:47 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Angry SOYO DRAGON w/RAID and VIA southbridge battle

Hi board, first post here, just joined.
Ok, I've been using Linux now for quite a few years, starting in 97 or so .... but this is totally perplexing me.:

I Just built a new system as follows:

2 x 256meg PC2700 DDR333 RAM
AMD Athlon XP 2000PR 1.67GHz CPU
Cooler Master HHC-001 Copper Heatsink
2 x Maxtor 60gig 7200RPM Fluid Dynamic Bearing drives

Aopen Gforce 2 MX400 64meg
Intel 10/100 Pro Network Card
370W SuperFlower Power Supply

The RAID controller on is a Highpoint 370/372. I know there was issues with installing a hardware based RAID using the regular boot disks with RedHat 7.x or 8.0, but there's some great information on the highpoint site with information and drivers to download to make a boot disk for the install.

The raid built no problem, I'm using the RAID-1 mirroring so the system basically saw a single 60gig /dev/sda

The install process went smoothly, I used the kernel image from the Highpoint website and rebooted back into my fully operational system. YAY.
Except for the part of the boot process that sez:
VP_IDE: unknown VIA southbridge, contact Vojtech Pavlik

So I traced that down and found a few patches for upgrading the kernel to support the VIA 8233A.

Unfortunatly, it seems that when i recompile the kernel to accept the via southbridge, I lose the ability to recognise the HPT370/372 controller.
Seems it's one or the other, but I can't have both.

Anybody come across this yet?
Old 11-03-2002, 05:38 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Did you use a completely clean kernel source tree, or the preconfigured /usr/src/linux/.configure that was the same kernel you had RAID working under?

The option for the HPT370 is usually not checked off by default. In a make menuconfig its under:

ATA/IDE/MFM/RLL support --->
IDE, ATA and ATAPI Block devices --->
HPT366/368/370 chipset support

Which unfortunately in a stock 2.4.19 doesn't have support for the HPT372, but the 370 has been supported since er... 2.4.10, nearly 2 years. So you probably have a 370... which is the same controller I've got too, although I've never fiddled with the RAID aspect.


Old 11-03-2002, 03:28 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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ayup, I tried with the stock kernel, then i also downloaded the full 2.4.19 kernel and tried that one as well. The PCI_ID_VIA8233A line in the patch keeps giving me grief.

I even tried the 2.5.45 kernel build, same problems.

It almost seems like I have to wait for the HighPoint guys to build a new drivers/boot disk for redhat 8.0
(which automatically has support for the via southbridge 8233A, but still no support for the highpoint 372.)
Old 11-03-2002, 09:17 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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coming along here, but there's one thing I'm noticing during the "successful" boot of the hpt37x2.o based 7.3 bootup (the one that boots fine, but doesn't recognise the VIA southbridge)
during the boot process, i see this:

unmounting initrd: umount /initrd: device busy [failed]

is there any chance that this is due to the fact that the southbridge isn't being recognised?


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