I saw some of the users on a forum that change the driver from snd-cmipci to cmipci and it works for them but unfortuntely it doen't work for me =*( ... instead I hear no sound at all with volume tune up to 77 already
but thanks for your help anyway =)
By the way , I just reboot to the old linux kernel that Mandrake backup while doing the upgrade (from 9.1 to 10) , and the sound is perfect , stero quality
Man they should give me the option of not upgrading the kernel while people doing the upgrade
I am so surprice that there is no one complain on the new 2.6 kernel , especially people who are using c-media sound card... there is virtually not much forum message on the internet who have this type of problem ?? <--- how strange am i the only one using this sound card ? =)
IS there any "esier" way to change the kernel sound module from the new one to the old ? hopefully only involves replacing files =) <--- which I don't think its possible
any tip that I should know about b4 I start compiling for the first time will be much appreciated =), er ...... how do u compile with the new kernel with and old sound module driver ? (new mixed with old <--- custom kernel ??)