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Old 01-24-2006, 11:06 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Southern US
Distribution: Ubuntu 5.10
Posts: 206

Rep: Reputation: 30
Sony KV30HS420 HDTV nvidia 5600 dvi to hdmi modelines?

Heres hoping against hope...

I have an FX5600 Ultra nvidia card that I threw into an old system to use as an htpc. (Mythtv is just a great project, imho).

So the machine had an old winxp install on it. I figure, what the heck? I'll try it!

Hook up the new vid card, install the new drivers.

Run a dvi->hdmi cable into my sony KV30HS420 HDTV.


Once shes up, change the screen properties in windows for 1280x720p.

Voila! A flippin image on my HD set! (Horribly, horribly overscanned, but a crisp image nonetheless).

So it CAN be done!

Well, I tried using powerstrip to fix the overscan, but to no avail! (changes in powerstrip only modified the image on my crt, not the hd set).

Oh well, time for mythtv! downloaded knoppmyth R5, and let her rip. Painless install, went quickly and smoothly, and detected everything just fine. About 20 minutes later, I've got a debian mythtv system running on this old box.

SO, time to try the HD set. Hook it up, grab some modelines from online, drop them into my XFree86 file, and I'm off.

Nothing. Of all the modes I have tried online, apparently only 720p modes (1280x720p) will even produce some sort of image on my HD set. They are horribly skewed and distorted, but I must be close to be able to get a signal out that I can see, right?!

The question now is what to do? I don't even know what the rest of the numbers mean on the modeline besides the obvious resolution ones. I don't even have an idea of where to start in trying to tweak the modelines by hand to get it working

1. Does anyone already have a Sony KV30HS420 HD set working with their linux box? If so, what is the freakin modeline?!

2. If not, anyone able to point me to some good references on how to build a modeline from scratch? Perhaps with a guide on how best to approach the manual tweaking to get this set working?

Old 01-25-2006, 03:33 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 2

Rep: Reputation: 0
Why not try the modlines that powerstrip gives you (though it involves rebooting back into Windows)? See if you can at least get a similar image to the one you had with Windows.
Old 01-26-2006, 04:44 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Southern US
Distribution: Ubuntu 5.10
Posts: 206

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 30
Yeah, I tried the powerstrip modelines and couldn't get any results. I would try it again, but I no longer have a copy of windows to try it out with :\


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