Slackware 9 and Radeon 9700 Pro
I've been trying to figure this out for close to a week now.
I'm very very new to Linux, even after using a computer for 10 years. I'm 17 now, and am training to enter into a cisco certified position within the next 6-12 months.
So now is a very good time to learn Linux.
I installed Slackware 9 on my own accord. I figured out the easy install, got dual-boot to work spiffy, and I got X configured to the best of its ability.
As some of you may know, Slack9 comes with Xfree 4.3.0...ATI's old (grrr, november), Radeon 9700 Pro drivers need Xfree 4.2.0.
The dependencies scarcely match.
Just to see what would happen, I installed the RPM package with the following command: rpm -uhv --force --nodepend <package name here>.
Then I launched frglxconfig (or close to that name), to configure the video.
As I suspected it would do, it bombed my xfree install, and startx wouldn't work...So I had to reformat the drive and reinstall slack because I have no clue how to uninstall stuff from the CLUI yet.
So, I suppose my actual question is: Are there any drivers out there for my card that support xfree 4.3?
I have a Hitachi CM823F monitor. My ideal resolution is 1600x1200 at 90Hz. However because I'm using the generic unaccelerated Radeon drivers that come with Slack, I can't get higher than 1600x1200 at 85Hz (which absolutely kills my eyes and gives me a headache), and KDE is slow and the fonts are blocky because the desktop that should be accelerated, isn't.
Can I configure the xf86config to force 90Hz vertical refresh and 112kHz horizontal?
This is what my win2k install uses, and my eyes love me for it.
Did I make any sense?
Best regards, and my preemptive thanks,
-Robert "Thrax" Hallock
Last edited by Thrax; 03-25-2003 at 04:19 PM.