Settings for Cisco wirelees in sysconfig/pcmcia
This weekend I reinstalled RH 8 on my desktop. Unfortunately I didn't print my configuration (big brain burp) before I did the install and now I am having trouble getting my wireless connection using a Cisco Aironet 350 working.
Everything worked fine on my previous install, so I know the card is good and device eth1 is created during the install, so I also know that Linux is seeing the card.
As I recall, in order to get wireless working on my previous install I used neat and deleted eth1 and recreated it as a wireless device. Then I had to edit the values in sysconfig/pcmcia and restart pcmcia. The values I used are:
PCMCIA = yes
When I restart pcmcia I get a message saying something like the socket is not found or is invalid. (My Linux box is at home and I'm writing this from work so I can't recall the exact message.)
Any help, suggestions or insights will be greatly appreciated.