Hello All,
Sorry - newbie here. Need some advise/help with trying to get RH to see my sata sil 3112 disks?
I have managed to get it installed on a separate IDE disk and it shows the kernel as Redhat linux Ent AS EL and then after getting the updates it shows the kernel as EL. During the updates if even picked up the sata hardware and added a driver but its NOT installed:
/usr/src/linux/ EL/drivers/scsi/sata
/lib/modules/ EL/kernel/drivers/sata
But I dunno what to do with em?
Is there anyway to create a driver disk - so that I can do a fresh install using the free disk space so that I can boot windows as well as RH on my disks using the Sil 3112 Raid controller?
I have read... and read... and read so many forums - that I dunno what to do anymore. Surely somebody out there was able to get Sata working on Linux using a Abit NF7 v2.0 nForce2 board?
So do I need to re-compile the kernel? how do I use it to run a fresh install and by using the current RHEL AS bootup CD? do I need to add this Medley or libata stuff?
There are RH linux drivers on the Silicon Image site - but they are for RH 7, 8 and 9.0. Reading the readme's it appears to have instuctions for adding it to a already-installed-system - but not one from scratch.... - although I have loaded the .img on to disk loaded the RH 9.0 driver - but I guess its not for the right system as it still cannot see my hardware. It also mentions using a bootable GRUB disk – which I now have…. But I am still confused as to what I need to do regarding a clean fresh install for Windows & Linux
If I get this working at some point - will it actually see the 2 disks as 1 large one? i.e. 1 x sda? Instead of the hde/hdg?
Can anybody help, and advise what I need to do, its so damn confusing.....
Any help, tips, suggestions - would be moat apprciated. I dont really wanna give up at such an early stage....
The documentation I have for the Silicon Image driver advises the following……
# Silicon Image SiI SATA controller #
# RedHatLinux Driver #
This driver disk adds support for SiI SATA controller that is otherwise
not supported by the RedHatLinux installation program.
Supported RedHatLinux versions:
* RedHatLinux 7.3/8.0/9.0
2.0 For detailed information about RedHat installation visit:
(substitute 8.0 by the proper release version)
2.1 Preparing driver disk
A floppy disk is required to install into a brand new (or blank) disk drive.
Several Options:
. Extract the contents of the [distribution]_sii____rhdd.tgz file on to a formatted floppy disk.
(e.g. use tar xzf [distribution]_sii____rdhh.tgz)
. If running windows: use "rawrite.exe sii____.img A:"
(get rawrite from RedHat installation disk #1 \dosutils directory)
. If running linux: "dd if=redhat_sii6512.img of=/dev/fd0"
(actual file names may vary slightly. ____ identifies a valid chipset for the driver)
for example: suse_united_sii3112r.img, redhat_sii6512.img are valid names
ADD your PCI ID to the "pcitable" file if OEM VendorId is going to be different
from SiI 0x1095 IDs. (End Users should ignore this step)
2.2 Steps for first-time installation
Before you start make sure the BIOS sees your adapter card (if applicable) and
your disk drives.
If just adding Data Drives or upgrading go to sections 2.3 or 2.4
(non-bootable SATA drives are considered Data Drives)
Step1 Boot from the RedHatLinux CD 1 or a boot diskette that you have created.
(Refer to "The Official Red Hat Linux x86 Installation Guide" see 2.1)
Step2 At the "Welcome to Red Hat Linux ..." installation screen, a
prompt labeled "boot:" will appear at the bottom of the screen.
For installation in graphical mode:
At the prompt type "linux dd hde=noprobe hdg=noprobe" and press the enter key.
For installation in text mode:
At the prompt type "linux dd hde=noprobe hdg=noprobe" or "dd text instead of dd"
or type "linux dd hde=noprobe hdg=noprobe hdi=noprobe hdk=noprobe" (4 drives )
and then enter key.
Typically SATA 1 has hde and hdg. If your system has more than one
Controller then SATA 2 will have hdi and hdk. There is no f,h,j
because all SATA drives behave like Master Drives
You can actually have SATA 1 drives using this drivers and SATA 2
using the Open Source Driver. It is probably not recommended for
normal use.
Note: BE CAREFUL typing the line since a typo will be ignored and
the kernel will enable the Open Source Driver creating a
RedHat 9.0 contains a generic Open Source Driver that must be disabled at
installation time. Typically hda hdb are on IDE0 and hdc hdd are on IDE1. Then
the SATA disk drives start at hde. SATA disk drives are all MASTERs so their
values are typically hde, hdg, hdi, hdk, etc. This driver will behave like a
SCSI device and will remap the SATA drives to sda, sdb, etc.
Sometimes mostly if you have are using drives that have partition information
the SATA driver may get confused and report errors at Installation time. After
you have installed the driver but before you format the disk(s) you may do the
following: (formatting starts when doing disk partitioning)
. get a console window by typing CTL-ALT-F2
. mke2fs /dev/sda (say 'y' to prompt)
. fsck /dev/sda
type '2'
type 'w'
This will repartition the disk drives
The Open Source Code understand the Metadata and sometimes it gets
Step2 At the "Welcome to Red Hat Linux ..." installation screen, a
prompt labeled "boot:" will appear at the bottom of the screen.
For installation in graphical mode:
At the prompt type "linux dd" or "expert" and press the enter key.
For installation in text mode:
At the prompt type "linux text dd" or "expert text" and press the
enter key.
Step3 Select "Yes" at the "Do you have a driver disk ?" .
Step4 When the screens prompts for "Insert your driver disk and press OK to
continue" insert the driver diskette in the floppy drive and select
Step5 The installation program will automatically load the SiI driver into
kernel. Continue installing your system.
Note, all ATA/ATAPI devices connected to SiI controller will be
presented as a SCSI devices.
*RedHat 9.0*
RedHat 9.0 requires to create a BOOTABLE floppy diskette when using GRUB. You must boot
with this diskette to continue with phase two of the installation.
When ready to reboot type the following:
boot: linux hde=noprobe hdg=noprobe
A Bootable diskette is not required for LILO but it is recommended.
You still need to Add "hde=nopobre hdg=noprobe" while rebooting the second
Continue install.
Typically you should be able to get a console shell by typing CTL-ALT-F2
or by just login into your favorite window manager.
Become root and execute the following script that will modify the boot loaders to work properly
# sh "redhat_9.0_update_boot_loaders.sh"
This script determines which loader and loader configuration files must be
modified / upgraded
At this point you are done with the installation.
*RedHat 8.0*
. Clean Up (recommended but not necessary)
. # 'sh cleanup-8.0' or
'sh cleanup-9.0', etc.
It can run before or after rebooting
. At this point you are done with the installation
2.3 Adding a Data Drive
If your system is already up and running then you can use execute shell scripts to modify
the kernel or add loadable modules to access the SATA drives as follows:
. Modify the loaders to disable the Open Source Driver (no script yet)
(add hde=noprobe and hdg=noprobe)
. # mount /mnt/floppy
in case of DOS formatted floppy
. # mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
. # 'sh /mnt/floppy/load-module-2.4.18-14' (DATA DRIVES)
(or use the the proper script depending on your kernel)
. insmod sii6512. You will need to add insmod to rc.init scripts
. At this point you are done with the installation
2.4 Upgrading the Kernel
If your system is already up and running then you can use execute shell scripts to modify
the kernel or add loadable modules to access the SATA drives as follows:
. # sh /mnt/floppy/kernel-upgrade-to-2.4.20-8 is an example to create a NEW KERNEL IMAGE
/etc/lilo.conf and /boot/grub/grub.conf will be saved by the setup
script. you may back them up as you wish. Visually inspect lilo.conf and
grub.conf to make sure the result is what you want.
3.0 Special Cases:
Mixing Drives.
if you are using LABELS to define partitions, it is recommended that NO drives have duplicate
labels. Linux gets confused when partitions have the same names. (check lilo or grub
configuration files)
change from => append="root=LABEL=/" to root=/dev/hda2 for example
The way Linux finds disk drives also affect the booting sequence.
At the prompt type
"linux ide0=0x1f0,0x3f6,14 ide1=0x170,0x376,15 ide2=0 ide3=0 ide4=0
ide5=0 ide6=0 ide7=0 ide8=0 ide9=0 expert "
At the "Boot Loader Configuration" installation screen specify following
kernel parameters:
"ide0=0x1f0,0x3f6,14 ide1=0x170,0x376,15 ide2=0 ide3=0 ide4=0
ide5=0 ide6=0 ide7=0 ide8=0 ide9=0"
(this may apply only to old releases)
4.0 Modifying Boot Loaders Manually (old techniques)
If using LILO boot loader:
a) Modify /etc/lilo.conf file similar to the example
(before modification)
(after modification)
label=Red Hat Linux SiIxxx
b) Update new configuration of Lilo by the next command:
If using GRUB boot loader:
Modify /boot/grub/grub.conf file similar to the example
(before modification)
title Red Hat Linux (2.4.7-10)
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.7-10 ro root=/dev/hda2
(after modification)
title Red Hat Linux SiIxxx
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.7-10 ro root=/dev/sda2
Step2 Flush filesystem buffers
Step3 Reboot the system
Step4 Select in boot loader menu item "Red Hat Linux SiI680"
Step5 If the system reports about swap failure, please,
modify /etc/fstab file similar to the example:
(before modification)
/dev/hda3 swap swap defaults 0 0
(after modification)
/dev/sda3 swap swap defaults 0 0
*RedHatLinux7.3* (old techniques)
Step1 Get driver "siixxx.o" from SiIxxx Driver Disk by issuing commands :
# mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
# /mnt/floppy/load-siixxx
The shell script "load-siixxx" will load driver in the system and
will create initrd image.
If using LILO boot loader:
a) Modify /etc/lilo.conf file similar to the example
(before modification)
(after modification)
label=Red Hat Linux SiIxxx
append="ide0=0x1f0,0x3f6,14 ide1=0x170,0x376,15 ide2=0
ide3=0 ide4=0 ide5=0 ide6=0 ide7=0 ide8=0 ide9=0"
b) Update new configuration of Lilo by the next command:
If using GRUB boot loader:
Modify /boot/grub/grub.conf file similar to the example
(before modification)
title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-3)
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-3 ro root=/dev/hda2
(after modification)
title Red Hat Linux SiIxxx
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-3 ro root=/dev/sda2 ide0=0x1f0,0x3f6,14 ide1=0x170,0x376,15
ide2=0 ide3=0 ide4=0 ide5=0 ide6=0 ide7=0 ide8=0 ide9=0
Step3 Flush filesystem buffers
Step4 Reboot the system
So… am stupid to think that the RH 9.0 driver may work on RHE AS? Is there away around this? Reading the above it looks like info for just a Linux install.. not a dual boot system for windows/linux.
If anybody can talk or help me thru this… Please do, I’d even call you on the Telephone to get assistance regardless of the cost!
Cheers for listening,