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Old 05-05-2003, 05:52 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2003
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SCSI and PCI->PCMCIA adapter issues

Ok, I've got an old Campaq professional Workstation 5100. I was trying to get it running on my wireless (802.11b) LAN. So I went and shelled out the bucks for an Orinoco Gold card and the Lucent PCI->PCMCIA adapter designed for it. They're both sold by Proxim. Bought the adapter a month ago and just got the Orinoco card in yesterday. So I went to set up the box. It's currently running a pretty clean install of redhat 8.0. (Basicly, I don't care if I'm running RedHat, Slackware, FreeBSD, whatever as long as its a Unixish machine with the Gnome 2.x Desktop that I can do a little development on-mostly Python and a little C and PHP. And I don't mind doing a little work to get there.)

When the PCI->PCMCIA card is in I can't load any SCSI drivers. When I try to boot into RedHat 8, grub kicks in but then the kernel can't find "/". When I try to install RedHat 9, it can't find any harddrives and it can't load any of the appropriate SCSI drivers. Now when the BIOS loads it lists both harddrives correctly (the original Campaq drive and a Seagate drive) and grub is booting the kernel fine off the boot sector, but then pttttthhhh Kernel Panic.

It's an odd little machine, real picky about where you put things, but I've put the PCI card in the first and last available slot to no avail. When I gank out the card it goes back to booting fine. The SCSI driver loads fine and dandy and I'm up and runnin'.

If you have any questions (other hardware, what I've done so far, etc.) that you need answered in order to help me here, let me know.
Old 05-05-2003, 06:01 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2001
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I've been playing with odd BIOSes and SCSI voodoo a lot recently, while I had an initio card in this one ECS board, it ignored booting from floppy... beats the heck out of me....

Anyway, my guess as to how to kick it would be to try an install of slack with one of the custom scsi.s or scsi2.s or adaptec.i kernels, depending on your card, make certain the orinoco plx combo is out of the board, install normally, re-stick the card in there and then see what works... might want to disable hotplugging or at least put orinoco_plx on the /etc/hotplug/blacklist for the time being.




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