screen garbled on Compaq pressario using FC4
I am using Fedora Core 4. My system is Compaq Presario,64 bit AMD Athlon,ASUS motherboard, wit SiS chipset. On using the grag and drop command, on using some large applications, such as, on moving windows by grabing it with the mouse and on vewing some java applets via the web browser and the appletviewer, the screen becomes filled with neumerous lines. This aleays happens with KDE and so I cannot use it. They always start from the left top corner of the screen an fill the screen.They disappear when the xrefresh command is run. Some times while draging and droping, the system hangs and I then will have to turn it off by the power switch. I have the SiS vedio card and the driver loaded is sis.Please help me.
Last edited by anooprs_anoop; 03-20-2006 at 08:37 AM.