Hi all-
Ive been working on getting my sound card to work over the last few days with no luck. My system is a P4 1.4 ghz, 384mb ram, geforce2 ultra, intel D850GB motherboard, sblive, usr performance pro modem, boston digital speakers. Im running mandrake 9.1 (yes i am very new to this). Ive been reading as much as i can in these forums and havent found an answer yet.
So i checked if things were muted, checked the volumes, everything was fine.
The driver is emu10k1.
vol 100,100
pcm 100,100
speaker 100,100
all of the rest are 0,0
sound 0

ff 1

ff 2on 3on 4on 5on 6

alsa 0

ff 1

ff 2

ff 3

ff 4

ff 5

ff 6

After seeing that the ALSA were all off, i went to Control>Sound>I/O and changed it from Autodetect to ALSA. A message popped up and said 'device or directory not found...blah, blah..."
the driver is correct, the card is detected correctly, but no dice...
any suggestions?