Samsung SyncMaster 930b or i586 i686
Hi, I've posted this in the Mandriva section, but no luck. I think I'm better off with this in hardware.
Some months ago I was given a Dell GX150 933Mhz. I bought a Samsung SyncMaster 930B and a Maxtor drive, istalled all on Mandriva 2006 - all good. Now I've been given a Dell GX260 2.4 Ghz. I switched over the HD and booted up. I'm having monitor problems - it boots into 800x600 mode. This is the error message I receive when I try to switch to another resolution:
(EE) 1810(0): No video BIOS modes for chosen depth
(EE) Screen found; but none have a useable configuration
I also get this message on boot:
2006 for i586
Kernel 2.6.12 - 12mdk on an i686 / tty1
Because I've gone from a Pentium III to IV, do I need to reinstall 2006?
Thanks for the help.