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Old 09-14-2006, 01:56 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Distribution: Ubuntu 12.04
Posts: 145

Rep: Reputation: 16
Samsung camcorder with Ekiga?

Simple question, to which after three days of Googling have not found a single useful answer.

I'm using Gentoo, and I'm trying to use my digital camcorder as a webcam in Ekiga. I've emerged Ekiga and it installs no plugins. The only plugin available is "Picture". Ekiga needs a 1394 plugin, for which there are plenty of instructions of installing .deb packages in Ubuntu, etc. but nothing for gentoo. I have also emerged pwlib.

My question: how do I use my camcorder as as webcam? I can use the camera in Kino without incident, but Ekiga will not load the right plugin.



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