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Old 12-17-2021, 04:47 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2013
Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Distribution: Crunchbang Linux
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Router with firewall

I am looking at this router:

It is a "Firewall, Mikrotik, Pfsense, OPNsense, VPN, Network Security Micro Appliance, Router PC, Intel Core I5 8265U, RM02, AES-NI/HDMI/COM/RS232/4USB3.0/6 x LAN/Fanless/SIM Slot, (DDR4 8G RAM/64G SSD)"

I saw a video of NetworkChuck on Youtube ( and I want to learn pfsense. But the question on my mind is: when would you go for a router with the specs as mentioned above?

I understand that it is probably overkill for my home network. But I am learning and I don't have the insight/experience with this, so I would appreciate it when you would be able to answer my question.
Old 12-17-2021, 05:32 AM   #2
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You can learn using with any PC with multiple ethernet adapters or if your PC has enough computing power with several virtual machines. You don't need buy any expensive hardware to learn.

I learned using Virtualbox VMs with connected Linux clients. Pfsense is configured from a web browser so you really don't have to learn anything about BSD.

Last edited by michaelk; 12-17-2021 at 05:34 AM.
Old 01-03-2023, 05:03 PM   #3
Registered: Apr 2013
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I haven't thought about this in a long time, but now that I have time I come back to this question.

I understand that you can work with virtual machines so that you can learn about firewalls. But this doesn't answer my question.

Why use a router that has such specs? A router that is essentially a small computer itself. 64Gig SSD for instance. If you want to use this computer as a firewall then this could be considered overkill. Then what is the reason that it is made/offered as such?
There should be a reason for this.
Old 01-03-2023, 05:22 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by validator456 View Post
I understand that you can work with virtual machines so that you can learn about firewalls. But this doesn't answer my question.

Why use a router that has such specs? ... what is the reason that it is made/offered as such?
There should be a reason for this.
The only answer to that is that you would use a router with those specs when your use case requires it.

The router is offered with those specs to fill a market slot for uses which require those specs. If you don't know why you would need it, then you probably don't need it!

It may be overkill for most home users, but it provides a particular level of function for those use cases which need it.

Last edited by astrogeek; 01-03-2023 at 05:44 PM. Reason: typo
Old 01-03-2023, 09:50 PM   #5
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I've wanted a device like that for a few years. Basically it is a computer with extra nic connections. You can easily make a free virtual machine of your choice of firewalls and run your connections across the VM instead of directly to wan to save on hardware.

Not sure I think it is overkill for home use. The more you do to protect your home the better. Some of these allow other features that you might like. VPN and other access from remote maybe. A small server running some uses like photos? Who knows.

Almost any spare computer could be used for these firewalls. Run some in a VM to test what you might like to use or read reviews. You can't get a new version of Untangle anymore (darn).

Pfsense and a few others like firewalla sell an ARM based gizmo like that, not sure the gizmo is better.

That computer could be used later maybe for other tasks. Where I work they are considering an industrial computer in that small form to replace a number of older systems.

Last edited by jefro; 01-03-2023 at 09:52 PM.


firewall, pfsense

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