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Old 02-20-2003, 10:43 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2002
Distribution: Debian 11.0
Posts: 97

Rep: Reputation: 16
Question RH8 doesn't find hard drive with Promise Ultra66

I wanted to install Linux on a P166 system. Its motherboard IDE controller is dead, and putting a hard drive there is forever a non-option. Debian 2.2 and 3.0 both give me kernel panics but the RH8 installer does get far enough to tell me it can't find any hard drive. The hard drive is connected to a Promise Ultra66 card which works great in OS/2 4.5 with a freeware IDE driver.

I already searched Google and found some instructions for installing Linux with a Promise Ultra66 card. It involves getting the I/O port addresses of the card and giving them to the kernel when installing Linux in the form ide1=a,b ide2=c,d. I got 5 sets of numbers from OS/2: ff00-ff3f, ffa4-ffa7, ffa8-ffaf, ffe0-ffe7, fff0-fff3. I have no way of knowing which is a, which is b, which is c, which is d, and which is extraneous. I tried different combinations with and without the +2 and also with and without adding noprobe to the kernel parameters. But no matter what I do RH8's installer says no hard drive found. Isn't there any possible way to install Linux on this system?
Old 02-26-2003, 08:52 PM   #2
Registered: May 2001
Posts: 34

Rep: Reputation: 15
I have a promise ata/66 PCI controller in my system as well. I never had a problem with any setup with Red Hat 8. Do you think if you moved the controller to another PCI slot it would reassign an IRQ if there was a conflict.
Old 02-27-2003, 01:39 PM   #3
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Houston Texas
Distribution: Debian / Gentoo / RHEL
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I have a Promise ATA66 controller on my 8.0 box at home, and it worked fine with 7.1,7.2,7.3, and 8.0. It even worked with the Debian 3.0 on the 2.4 kernel install. You might want to check something else out. It might be an issue with your other chipsets, or HD
Old 02-27-2003, 01:40 PM   #4
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Houston Texas
Distribution: Debian / Gentoo / RHEL
Posts: 209

Rep: Reputation: 31
Also make sure that it is Promise, because I have heard of this issue with High Point 66 controllers. But not on 8.0, if it is an old 166 system the chipset of the system might not interface well with that Promise controller, or it might not work with that chipset at all, I am not sure I never put a ATA controller in an old system like that.

Last edited by MrJoshua; 02-27-2003 at 01:41 PM.


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