RedHat 8.0 + Avance 4000 Sound problem
So, after a long battle with my Sound Blaster Live! card, I just took it out and put an Avance Logic 4000 card in there. I am attempting to load the alsa drivers and utils and having some huge problems:
The "sound card detection" utility in Gnome recognizes the card and that its using snd-als4000 module. No test sounds play, and applications don't make noise.
When I lsmod, there is nothing like snd-als loaded. The only thing I have in there is audio and soundcore. When I do modprobe snd-als4000 I get:
/lib/modules/2.4.18-14/kernel/sound/acore/snd.o: unresolved symbol irq_stat_R9135cb9c
lib/modules/2.4.18-14/kernel/sound/acore/snd.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.18-14/kernel/sound/acore/snd.o failed
/lib/modules/2.4.18-14/kernel/sound/acore/snd.o: insmod snd-als4000 failed
And... this is where I am stuck. I loaded the drivers, libs, and utils all RPM style, and uninstalled and reinstalled the RPMS just to make sure I loaded the correct ones. Still nothing. What would be the next step?