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Old 05-02-2006, 09:43 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2006
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Recommendations for SOHO Linux RAID NAS hardware

I would like to build a small linux RAID NAS box for home use. The box should have the functionality offered by the ReadyNAS family of products from Infrant (NAS, hardware RAID, ability to run Slimserver for streaming MP3's, etc.). ReadyNAS runs a customized Linux kernel. Intel has introduced a similar NAS RAID box called SS4000-E. I would like to build such a box myself and do it cheaper. The ReadyNAS and Intel boxes go for $500-600 for barebones systems (no disks). Is it possible to build such a box for less? Any recommendations on compact chassis or barebones systems one could start with? The box should accept atleast three SATA disks.

Old 05-03-2006, 06:13 PM   #2
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I don't know of any external disk bays that have hardware RAID. I've seen small inline devices for simple mirroring (RAID 1) of two ATA disk, but I imagine you'd probably need a processor in there to calculate parity bits for RAID 5 (using three SATA, as you requested.) Was considering using a USB NAS device like this one from Linksys myself though:
but would really prefer a firewire NAS device as I can daisy chain external firewire drives.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Sorry couldn't be of more help.
Old 05-03-2006, 09:08 PM   #3
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Here's a video of my external firewire disk drives -- one is off ATM and other is executing dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sde I've only built two so far (from cheap CompUSA parts no less), but with one more I could do software RAID 5. And I never need more firewire ports, as drives can be plug into each other in a daisychain. Right now use mainly for copying entire drives/partitions... easier than cracking open my case every time, anyway. But would be nice to find a firewire NAS like linksys USB one above. If it did RAID too so much the better.

I built the PC too BTW: Celeron 3.06GHz in a VIA chipset mobo. Dual boots XP and FC5. I went with black componentsw and cool blue LEDs this time around.
Old 05-04-2006, 05:51 PM   #4
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LVM rocks with these external drives. Definitely has to be firewire. I can daisychain and hotplug then extend a volume group... way too cool. Those EMC guys got nothing on me now. LOL.

Think I'll just use a PC.
Old 05-04-2006, 06:52 PM   #5
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2002
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If your system does not have a PCI-X (PCI Extended) slot and it does have a IEEE-1394 connector, you could get a few RAID-5 IEEE-1394 enclosures. has several.


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