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lyllo 01-25-2003 03:50 AM

when i type

"dhcpcd eth0"

i don't recieve any message.

[code@user] dhcpcd eth0 [enter]
[code@user] | (just a cursor)

Aussie 01-25-2003 04:02 AM

What happens if you do
[code@user] dhcpcd eth0 [enter]
[code@user] ping -c 5 [enter]

lyllo 01-25-2003 05:06 AM

c'mon read the above messages!!!!!!!!!!

[code@user] dhcpcd eth0 [enter]
[code@user] ping -c 5 [enter]
unkown host
[code@user] ping -c 5 [enter]
network unreachable

MasterC 01-25-2003 09:28 AM

lyllo, he did. But then he took it a bit further. It's part of the troubleshooting chain that should be followed :)

After you type dhcpcd eth0 and get nothing, then type:
And post that here as well.


MasterC 01-25-2003 09:30 AM

Also, it would appear at this point to not be a driver loading problem. You may choose to use Mandrake's gui tools to configure your network from here on out. However, it's easier for all of us if you do it via command line incase there are problems still we will be able to see what is going on.


lyllo 01-25-2003 09:49 AM

here it is:

i've done dhcpcd 8139too then ifconfig:

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:262 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:262 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:21675 (21.1 Kb) TX bytes:21675 (21.1 Kb)

tap0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr FE:FD:00:00:00:00
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:60 (60.0 b)


it would appear at this point to not be a driver loading problem. You may choose to use Mandrake's gui tools to configure your network from here on out. However, it's easier for all of us if you do it via command line incase there are problems still we will be able to see what is going on.
what do you mean?

MasterC 01-25-2003 06:03 PM

I hope that was a typo:
dhcpcd 8139too

That wouldn't be correct, it's:
dhcpcd eth0

So if you just typed it wrong on here, then that's fine.

What I meant from the quoted paragraph is to look in the Mandrake Control Center. There are tools to configure your network graphically, without typing all this stuff. It will bring up a wizard to help you. Just choose DHCP for everything, or "Obtain IP automatically".


lyllo 01-26-2003 04:30 AM

no, the code i reported above ha been generated once inserted dhcpcd 8139too
but now, what's the meanings of all this coding?
have i to use grgaphycal notices, or konsole one, in oredr to see errors?
i don't understand why i can't connect: at booting, when it tiryes to load up eth0: deetermininig cnneection IP, it FAILS, and i linuux i cannoct connecct.

why i cannot configure the net as in windows?!?!?!!?? :(

using net conf:
COMPUTER NAME+DOMAIN: what should i use?

IP: used provider IP
PRIMARY IP: used primary DNS
SEC. IP: used secondary DNS

i don't know wht to do!

lyllo 01-26-2003 05:41 AM

at this time i'm really stressed, it has been a week since i'm trying to conneect to the net without any results.

could you please send me a setp-by-step guide to check if everything is fine?

i mean:

1) check if dhcp server is installed by doing somthing, if not, to install it go there and do that.
2) to configure your lan connection do this...


last time i tryed to run dhcpcd eth0, then i've opened mandrake control panel & there tryenig to configure the net, ,in connection, eth0 status was DOWN, lan configuration had BOOT load YES, DHCP selected in some opition i do not remeber, CLIENT DHCP empty, ,BUT, when i click on CONNECT the connection tester that appears with the graph of connetcion speed, wich yesterday showed a CONNECTION FAILED, today (don' know why, ,since i've not modifyed anything) gave CONNECTION DONE... opening konqueror & trying to navigate, insteda of giving unknown host, tryed to open a new url.. even if the new page to load weren't loaded..
in connection testing page, from MDK control panel, gave eth0 tab and near a tap0 tab...
so, i don't know what's happening, & don't know why a simply thing such as a network configuration here is so complicated.

WHAT schedule shall i complete & configure and wich not?
how can i assure myself that every server is well configured & installed?
how can i install servers wich doesn't appear as well istalled?

acid_kewpie 01-26-2003 05:46 AM

lyllo, maybe you could try to remember who's trying to help who....

lyllo 01-26-2003 05:58 AM

what do you mean?

i'm not obliging none, i'm just trying to undedrstan what's happening in my linux!

right now, i'm really greateful with all the people that are tring to help me, thanks to them, i've started to get into linux philosophy!

the only matter is that i'd like to bring my linux to connect to the web.

the only thing i cannot understand, is why people enjoy themselves leaving ugly sentences like:

lyllo, maybe you could try to remember who's trying to help who....
what do you want?
what have i asked of so offensive to recieve a really "intelligent" affermation like yours?

to people who find enjoyful to work with linux, i'm sure that spend 5 minutes trying to help me it is not a pain and it is not so offensive to ask them to spend one more minute to try to create a step-by-step guide.
i'm strtessed because of linux, not because of them!!!!!!!!!

they are GREAT and too much patient with me too!
you (acid_somehitng, NO)

MasterC 01-26-2003 09:42 AM

Ok, I'll post up some pics on a site for you to follow from a Mandrake boot I've got installed. Hopefully those will help. If you still run into problems after following them, let us know, we'll be glad to help further.

The main thing I think acid is trying to get across is that when someone says:
type dhcpcd eth0

And post here the output, to actually do that. For the most part you can type these into any terminal emulator (Xterm, Konsole, whatever) as root. Then when we ask for "what does that return?" just highlight and paste. To paste something from a terminal simply highlight the text to be pasted, then click (with either the middle button/scroll button or both side buttons at once) into the reply space to paste.

Ok, I'll be back with those screenshots...


MasterC 01-26-2003 10:15 AM

Alright, it starts out with:

You will see them in this order on your box when you are running them:

In network8.png I've highlighted the 2 boxes that will look different to you. The black box should have your actual IP rather than what mine shows, so something like will show up instead of
Then the white box should again show the actual IP from above, and Protocol should read DHCP.

Again, if you run into more problems, or need clarification, let us know.


lyllo 01-26-2003 01:25 PM

there are two bg problems, but before i tell you wich are let me give you BIG THANKS!

in network1.png... your eth0 card status looks UP... mine DOWN!!!!!!!!

here is the main problem...

MasterC 01-26-2003 07:51 PM

Yes, that's fine. That's because mine is already configured. It is down for you. That's in network1 where you are just starting.

And, you're welcome :) What was the final result? Or did you run into problems somewhere along the way?


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