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Old 07-01-2006, 11:31 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2005
Location: TO, Ontario, Canada
Distribution: Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS 6.5
Posts: 37

Rep: Reputation: 17
RAID Setup

Hi folks,

I have a question regarding a RAID setup. I bought a second SATA drive a little while ago and put together a SATA raid setup, which worked great under Windows, but it's a no go under Linux (even Fedora Core 5).
A week ago I purchase two 80GB ATA133 HDD's, figuring I would use the SATA drives for Windows and the ATA drives for Linux.

My idea is that I would set up a Software raid with the ATA drives in Linux. I just don't know how to do it. Especially right from the install (i.e.: install everything onto the RAID setup, except for /boot)

Another question I have is about the MBR (Master Boot Record). Which drives would need to contain that?? I figure it would have to reside on the ATA drives (or at least one of them), since it would accessible by both Windows and Linux. Currently I have set the BIOS to boot of the ATA drives first and then from the SATA drives and it causes Windows to crash on start-up (I have to keep the Install CD in the drive to be able to boot) because of the boot setup.

So, what should be my bios boot settings?

So, if anybody has a step by step procedure for this, I would appreciate it. Also, I would like to use Suse 10 (most likely 10.1, since I got it working on my wifes computer with Xgl and it's slick!)

Thanks guys (or gals) already!
Old 07-13-2006, 10:37 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2005
Location: TO, Ontario, Canada
Distribution: Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS 6.5
Posts: 37

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Rep: Reputation: 17
Ok, I got it this far: I used Suse 10.1 installer to arrange the RAID 0. In fact all I needed to do was make a swap partition on each of the drives (1GB each) and then I created a 250MB /boot partition.

The rest was made into a software RAID 0 and installed everything there.

So, I am up and running in Linux again.

A couple questions still remain: How can I now install Windows onto the SATA Raid and make it into dual boot with Linux??

As well, I ran the hdparm tool on the Linux raid and I only get 64MB/s, while the separate drives can pull 56MB/s each. I would have thought I would have gotten somewhere around 80~90MB/s.

Any ideas?


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