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Old 09-25-2005, 05:21 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2005
Location: California
Distribution: Slackware & Debian
Posts: 264

Rep: Reputation: 30
Raid Array


I am trying to set up a raid array 1, to store important information and that in case of a disk-failure, the data can be recovered easily.

I was looking at

I have no experience with raid.

1) do i need to have the same disk-size (gb) for each of the two drives?
2) what happens if one disk fails?
3) what would happen if the controller failed? Would i still be able to read the data on the disks working by plugging them in to the mainboard and simply recover data this way?
4) will the array look like one physical disk to the computer, to linux, the bios and even M$ windoze?


Any tips are appreciated!!
Old 09-25-2005, 06:47 PM   #2
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Riverside, CA
Distribution: Slackware/RedHat
Posts: 79

Rep: Reputation: 15
Here is a link that shows a little about RAID. It is strongly recommended that you do much more research on RAID before implementing as it is not simple for beginners and there are no fast simple answers to your questions.

1) do i need to have the same disk-size (gb) for each of the two drives?....No, you set the partitions the same but the disks can be different

2) what happens if one disk fails?.....Long answer

3) what would happen if the controller failed? Would i still be able to read the data on the disks working by plugging them in to the mainboard and simply recover data this way? would have to replace the controller with the same or similar type.

4) will the array look like one physical disk to the computer, to linux, the bios and even M$ windoze?....Depends on how it is setup


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