Radeon 7000 TV-OUT
I am having some problems with getting my ATI Radeon 7000 to properly use it's tv-out port with Slackware 10. I am using xorg.
First, when the computer initially boots everything is shown in the 16:9 aspect ratio. And, on the tv, the entire picture is scrolling up.
Once X loads, the aspect ratio goes back to full screen, but the tv picture becomes totally distorted, and I can barely tell that it is my desktop.
I am using the "radeon" driver in my Xorg.conf. I believe I am using the gatos driver, but the install documentation of gatos was so confusing, I don't know if its installed or not.
Xorg.conf is also set to load dri and glx.
Glx gears appears to be working fine, getting about 50 fps.
This is a PCI card, if that makes any difference.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.