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Old 05-15-2006, 12:00 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Indiana, United States
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Rack and carrier interchangeable harddrive problem

I have a computer which I had altered so that I can interchange harddrives through the use of a rack and carriers. I have three carriers with three different O.S.s. This system has functioned quite well for 15 months. The HD on which I have Open SUSE 10 worked quite well until three days ago after I had run the yast online update, during which there was a kernel update. Now, after having one of my other OS harddrives in, removing it and putting the SUSE HD back in, it boots fine but does not connect to the internet. I have a DSL broadband connection and this has always connected automatically previously.

I have not changed the firewall settings, so this should not be the problem and I even tried it with the firewall deactivated. Strangely enough I can get it to work by using the Gnome desktop and then running YOU. It then recognizes my connection and is OK untill I remove and put the HD back into the rack. Running YOU while using the KDE desktop does not work. The other two HDs do not present this problem.

If anyone has any experience with this problem, I would appreciate any help and or suggestions. Thank you.


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