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Old 06-14-2006, 05:32 PM   #1
D4ve G
Registered: Jun 2005
Location: Canada
Distribution: XP / Ubuntu
Posts: 55

Rep: Reputation: 15
Put together a new computer and hard disk doesn't seem to want to boot

Ok so I put together a new computer and everything turns on and seems fine. I don't care what OS I am going to put on initially I just need something to work! I tried to install windows originally, it formats the harddrive and then restarts and says there is a hard disk configuration error.

*Note* Everything from my new system is new except the hard drive.
Old 06-16-2006, 01:26 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2006
Location: Birmingham, AL
Distribution: Slackware64-13.1, 12.1
Posts: 119

Rep: Reputation: 20
Something that has always helped me with first-boot problems on new rigs is to go through all of the cable connections and seat them firmly one more time. Or, completely disconnect and reconnect them. You may also have a bad ribbon cable (if IDE) to your hard drive. I've had cables that worked fine until I moved them with their attached drive into a new case. Sometimes the stress of removing them or rerouting them in a new case can do enough damage to the cables that they aren't reliable anymore. Less likely, but it's also possible that you damaged the hard drive while handling it in the rebuild.


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