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Old 06-01-2006, 11:05 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Mocksville, NC, USA
Distribution: Gentoo, Slackware.
Posts: 410

Rep: Reputation: 30
PS/2 Mouse on USB system - Adapter?

I have a wireless optical full sized mouse that came with my wireless keyboard. I am comfortable using that, and would like to be able to use it on my linux laptop, however, I noticed that my laptop does not have a PS/2 port. It does however, have a few USB ports. I know you can get a little adapter thingy that you plug into the USB port that will give you a PS/2 mouse and/or keyboard port. I was wondering how this type of adapter would work in linux. Will I have to tell X that it is a USB mouse, or a PS/2 mouse, and will I have to use any extra modules (besides the regular USB and USB HID stuff, and the PS/2 ones that I already have compiled in for the touchpad)? Does it depend on the model, or do they all work about the same, because I'm not quite sure how they work, or if you even need a driver for them. I was thinking of getting one off eBay for like 3 or 4 bucks... theres many different ones on there, some that support just changing it to a mouse port, some that change it to a mouse or keyboard combo port, and some that give you a mouse and keyboard port. The full sized keyboard that goes with the set is a USB keyboard, however, it came with a PS/2 adapter, so I guess I could use either, but I would perfer getting an adapter that had a mouse and keyboard port, because I only have two USB ports, and would like atleast one of them free or plugging up a USB hub.


Last edited by Oxagast; 06-01-2006 at 11:08 AM.
Old 06-02-2006, 04:52 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2005
Location: Chicago
Distribution: Gentoo AMD64
Posts: 365

Rep: Reputation: 30
I think you'd use the PS/2 mouse with the adapter as a USB device.


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