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Old 01-03-2003, 10:11 AM   #1
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Proliant 1500 dual processors

Ok, got a Compaq Proliant 1500.. single processor configuration runs fine. When I drop the dual processor card in, and get it recognized by the EISA bios, it won't boot properly.

Anyone have any experience with this config? Currently running Mandrake 8.0 on the server...

With dual processor card in, it won't install Mandrake, or Redhat, either.
Old 01-04-2003, 02:11 AM   #2
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what do you mean by the "Dual processor card" ?, you take out one of the 2 processors and then put in the loop card in one slot so that you only run the board as a single processor?

If you are doing that...I believe you have to take out CPU number #2, and put the loop card into the #2 cpu slot....if you do it with the #1 cpu...I believe there are issues that arise...
Old 01-06-2003, 09:57 AM   #3
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Compaq Proliant 1500 server has a motherboard that you can install a custom (compaq only) processor daughtercard into. There are a number of options as to what the processor card can have on it...

I have a 100mhz Pentium single processor card, with onboard RAM, and a dual 166 mhz Pentium dual processor card, either of which can be installed at any one time.

This is what I mean by a Dual processor card... The Proliant series of servers also has some 4 processor configurations, but I do not have any of those specific hardware configurations.
Old 01-06-2003, 07:12 PM   #4
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ohh, you are talking about the Mother board?
Old 01-07-2003, 10:30 AM   #5
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No, I'm talking the processor card that plugs INTO the motherboard.
Old 01-07-2003, 11:42 AM   #6
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Try to install Red Hat again and use this command at the installation boot prompt:

linux nousb
Old 01-07-2003, 01:25 PM   #7
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Had a quick look at the compaq server install page...


Here's something that looks relevant.
SMP on older Compaq ProLiant Servers
Compaq's early SystemPro/ProLiant SMP design was created long before the Intel MPS specification. Since the 2.2 and 2.4 Linux kernels only support Intel MPS architectures, these early MP servers can only be used in single processor mode:

ProLiant 2000
ProLiant 4000
ProLiant 4500

Compaq is considering making its early MP specifications available to the public, or even adding the support to the Linux kernel. If you are interested in participating in the development of such support, or have one of these servers you would like to run Linux SMP, please send an email to John Cagle c/o Be sure to put John Cagle's name in the email so it will be forwarded to him.

So how old is the machine? From your description of the cards/CPU's, I guess thie is the problem.

Old 01-08-2003, 09:57 AM   #8
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Actually, it's a Proliant 1500, which I believe is new enough that it does support the SMP... but I'll see what it says at that place.
Old 01-09-2003, 12:33 AM   #9
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a CPU is not a "Processor Card", how you call's just and only a CPU = Computer Processing Unit, the unit is already implied in the name CPU, so the addition of "Card" is completely useless.
Old 01-09-2003, 10:15 AM   #10
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zLinux, Since you don't know anything about the Proliant hardware architecture, let me explain, once again.

The Proliant has a motherboard, with NO processor on it. It has a slot that accepts a "processor card". The processor card includes (depending on which one you choose) one or two processors, memory, and associated circuitry.

I speak from personal intimate knowledge, both with the inside of my proliant 1500, and with Compaq (now HP)'s documentation for same.

Your INANE arguing about what my computer is or isn't isn't answering my question, and continues to show that you do NOT know what my computer is... Referring back to my original question, I asked for: "Anyone have any experience with this config? " Since you don't, and all you are doing is arguing with me about what my computer is, and how it's built, I don't see that you're helping.

Now, if you would like to learn, read about the Proliant 1500 here:|ProLiant+1500&source=169066-001.xml&dt=13&docid=14269

Old 01-09-2003, 10:16 AM   #11
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Oh, and by the way.. CPU stands for "Central Processing Unit",
not "computer processing unit"...
Old 01-10-2003, 04:54 AM   #12
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I was going to say that as well, but have been at work!

Have you got it working yet? I recently installed on a 5000, there are several specific tricks for that machine. I suspect that the 2 CPU's on one card is the problem, may be unsupported. If you've installed with single, and it works, try compiling a new kernel with smp support, and then swapping the CPU's. The OS install with one CPU doesn't have SMP in the kernel.

What errors do you get if you run the installer with dual CPU??

Old 01-13-2003, 10:12 AM   #13
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Actually, in the recent redhat and mandrake distros, SMP is compiled in by default.. No, still don't have it working at present... Was troubleshooting a SCSI controller problem, and swapped in a Smart Array card, which has borked up my drives.. So, there's gonna be lots of hands-on time... Hoping I didn't blow away the partition that has 2+ years of digital photography on it.

The NoUSB option someone mentioned above didn't seem to help, but we continue to research, and hope to find a way to get it to go.

Old 01-13-2003, 11:51 AM   #14
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If you've swapped the SCSI controller, the new one won't recognise the drive partitions. If you've not got a backup, try putting the original back, otherwise I think your data is probably gone.

I had a similar problem with my 5000, tried to fix it, and made things worse, sadly it WAS the backup (, I'd managed to lose my home directory in a nasty nfs accident. Fortunately my problem was a kernel panic at boot where the kernel and controller wouldn't talk to each other. Managed to boot single CPU from a floppy, nfs mount the drive, and retrieve all my data.
Old 01-14-2003, 09:43 AM   #15
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Cool.. I figured out (when it started touching the drives) that it was doing something nefarious.. and shut down... The problem is that it started striping the drives, so now when I boot with the on-board scsi, I'm getting scsi parity errors from all the drives except my 2g boot disk

Oh.. .System is configured as follows:
Internal Hot Swap drives:
9.1G UW
9.1G UW
4.3G UW
4.3G UW

External Raidion LS tower:

External CD tower:
7 4x SCSI cdrom drives

Internal SCSI cdrom
Floppy drive

So, when I get it working, it's a fair-decent machine, for home network Samba file-server, shoutcast audio server, web server, Caching DNS server, squid proxy, and general linux test-bed


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