Hi guys.....I've just come into possession of a 8 new P4 2GHz 40 GB 256MB RAM rackmounted PC's. I've made them all dualboot....Microsnot 2000 um..ho Microsoft 2000 (latest service pack) and Linux RedHat 7.3. The MS partitions work fine...(sadly enough) but I'm having problems with the Linux partition.
After logging out as both root and standard users all the machines go dead.....the rack power LEDs i.e. the PCs are switched on, but the motherboards/hard disks seem to be in sleepmode or switched off. I must mention that 'm using a Nova View 4 port digital switch connected to a single keyboard, mouse and monitor to switch between the 4 different PC's in a rack. I've tired everything but am not able to rectify this problem.......Could you'll please help. Thanks.