Problems Using Audigy 1 Gamer on SuSe 8.1 With Kernel 2.4.21
Hi all, thankx for reading
I'm having loads of problems installing Linux on a recent PC
List of Hardware :
Motherboard : Matsonic Via K400
Graphics : Ati 9500 Pro
Sound Card : Audigy 1 Gamer
TV Card : Pinacle Pro
The Motherboard is using Apic and ACPI, and has a build in sound card, raid and ethernet card, but only the ethernet card is turn on. all others are OFF.
Here what i had done so far.
1. Update to XFree 2.3.0 in order to get X working on ATi
2. Update to the Kernel 2.4.21 (most recent stable) in order to get the ethernet card working and fix some ACPI warnings.
But know i have problems installing the Audigy sound card
if i build in the driver ( Emu10k1 ) which comes in the kernel it loads up but no sound card, if i make the module emu10k1 and then type: modprobe emu10k1 it fails saying that it's probably a io or irq problem... still how do i tell the brick which is the irq or io adress ??
everthing else incluind the TV Card is working
I know the card works under Linux since under the default SuSe 8.1 kernel the sound card works ok, but i get ACPI warnings and the ethernet card is has good has dead
I cannot turn off ACPI or APIC since this is a dual boot system and my other operating system ( WIndow XP ) does not work without any of them (including reinstalating)
This is probably a Motherboard problem but...
Any clues people or sugestions ??
Stay Happy
Miguel Angelo