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Old 06-24-2006, 01:12 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2006
Posts: 5

Rep: Reputation: 0
Problems printing to Canon i450 Windows share


I am trying to get my Linux box to print to a Windows shared USB Canon i450 printer using Cups and Samba, and I'm almost there, but there are a few things that arn't explained very well in the documentations I have read.

Do I have to set this share up in the smb.conf file first?

When I run the command below I get the error:

lpadmin: add-printer (set model) failed: client-error-not-found

lpadmin -p Canon -v smb://userass@servername/canonshare -P /usr/share/PPD/canon.ppd

One thing I'm not sure about is the last line - what is the PPD? I just made up canon.ppd.

When I try to setup the printer from the Cups web interface there is no entry for my printer, which is an i450. If I just choose one it installs, but I can't print. How would I add my printer, or do I have to find out if one of the ones there is compatible.

Any other hints or tips would be helpfull as well.


Old 06-24-2006, 01:32 PM   #2
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: St. Louis
Distribution: RedHat 8
Posts: 262

Rep: Reputation: 31
which version of Linux are you using? If you are using Fedora Core. Here are the step-by-step HowTo:

1. system-config-printer
2. New
3. Type in your Queue Name then Select "Windows Print Queue"
4. Type in your Windows name and sharename "//windows/sharename"
5. Host IP "Windows IP"
6. Workgroup "Windows Workgroup or Domain"
7. Userid and password
8. Select printer driver
9. Finish

That is it. Of course, you have to make sure the printer is share on the Windows box and it allow the Linux box to print to it.


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