So far this board has helped me a lot... right now I am stuck...
When I try to edit eth0 the config program crashes. Now I've sent a bug report to red hat but I was wondering if anyone had any quick ideas.. i get this dump file:
Traceback (innermost last):
File "/usr/sbin/neat", line 1402, in ?
File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/", line 2676, in mainloop
File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/", line 130, in __call__
ret = apply(self.func, a)
File "/usr/sbin/neat", line 813, in on_generic_clist_button_release_event
apply (func)
File "/usr/sbin/neat", line 1248, in on_hardwareEditButton_clicked
self.showHardwareDialog(type, true)
File "/usr/sbin/neat", line 1269, in showHardwareDialog
dialog = ethernetHardwareDialog(hw)
File "/usr/sbin/../share/redhat-config-network/netconfpkg/gui/", line 75, in __init__
File "/usr/sbin/../share/redhat-config-network/netconfpkg/gui/", line 135, in setup
KeyError: description
Is there a way to just reinstall the network config?
Could this also be the problem as to why I can not get Swat or Samba to work right? That'll come after i get this problem fixed though!
- Guy