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Old 03-01-2004, 07:42 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 6

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Problem detecting Promise MB Fasttrack 133 controller

Hello all,

I'm having trouble with a built in Promise MB Fasttrack 133 controller(PCI ATA RAID), Judging from `cat /proc/pci` the card is detected properly - the chipset type etc. corresponds to the card I have.
But when I insmod the driver, pdcraid.o(after the software RAID module), I get a 'No Such Device' error. Very simple. And contradictory to me..

Judging from google searches other people have gotten this to work with the linux driver(as opposed to Promise's closed source driver) as well as it works under Windows 2000.

The controller is a built in on a MSI 9129 motherboard, mounted in a 1U MSI rack server. To each of the two RAID controller's channels is a 120GB drive connected, configured in a RAID1 array. This is all dectected in the controller's BIOS(where everything else looks OK).
The problem is encountered during a Slackware 9.0 install(which makes debugging more cumbersome), that is a 2.4.22 vanilla kernel.

This problem is o simple but meanwhile incredible annoying. Any suggestions to how to solve this, or a hint in a direction is _highly_ appreciated.

BTW, this is not the first time I ask about this. Any suggestions to a good forum/mailinglist where this question is suitable is also highly appreciated.




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