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Old 05-08-2003, 10:52 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: Washington, DC
Distribution: Debian, Archlinux, Ubuntu, Sidux
Posts: 244

Rep: Reputation: 30

I experienced some really ugly crashes trying to print in WINE when my config was set to use the windows files on my dual boot machine. A poster on the winehq forums told me that it was probably a native DLL in windows that was causing the problem. To test this I created a new user and set him up to use fake_windows instead. The configured him to print via CUPS in KDE. That went off without a hitch. Next step was to try printing something in notepad.exe via WINE.

Gone is the ugly crashing error but now I can't print at all and Page setup does not respond! I figure it's because I have no printer set up in my win.ini file. I've gone through the winehq forums again but can't find anything on how to configure the win.ini file so it works.

Does anyone have a working (WINE/CUPS specific) win.ini file I can look at? Else are there any suggestions on how I can finally get printing to work in Wine?

Other info:

Debian 3.0r1 (unstable)
Celeron 366MHz, 64MB RAM
KDE 3.1.1

Thanks in advance..
Old 05-10-2003, 03:56 AM   #2
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What exactly is it that you need to print that has to be printed from within wine?
Old 05-11-2003, 03:20 PM   #3
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: Washington, DC
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Specifically my office uses a program for day to day operations stuff that runs in Windows Visual Basic. I got the program working through wine but it crashes every time I try to print. After experimenting I discovered that this crash is not unique to this VB program but happens in everything (e.g. notepad.exe). If I can print a document in notepad through wine then I am all set in replacing my windows box with a linux box at work. Hopefully others may follow my lead if I can pull this off, but I desperately need help as I can't get anything to print via Wine.

Thanks for any help!
Old 05-11-2003, 03:42 PM   #4
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Wouldnt it just be easier to have the printer as a shared network device that the windows box can access via whatever windows2linux protocol is appropriate (Samba)?
Old 05-11-2003, 06:35 PM   #5
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: Washington, DC
Distribution: Debian, Archlinux, Ubuntu, Sidux
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I've tried to print both to a printer connected to an XP machine via Samba and to a local printer. This is no problem for me in KDE using Linux apps. When I use WINE however I still can't get anything. The print setup page doesn't do anything and there is no option to print. I'm sure this would be solved if I could get WINE's win.ini file right but nothing I've found on the winehq forums has solved my problem.


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