Poweredgre 2400 cpu upgrade ?
I am having a tough time figuring out which cpu to get to upgrade my Dell Poweredge 2400 from a dual 500Mhz P3 to Dual 1Ghz P3. I consider myself pretty good at getting the parts I need to upgrade/ fix pcs. I am lost when it comes to servers. I fidured out it was a slot 1 P3, but am not sure much more than that. I have tried a couple sets of 1ghz off Ebay and they both make loud beeping noises the second I turn on the PE 2400 after install. I would love to upgrade my Centos server, and this is driving me a little crazy.
Right now the server is on the slow side. I figured the upgrade might get me more time out of this aging server.
Is there something I am missing?