I luv easy ones like this one.
'touch /flashcard' is not the correct command in this instance. Touch creates a 'file', not a 'directory'.
so, you would want to create a directory (matched to your fstab), such as (see
http://www.skyenet.net/~aross/Linux/.../command2.html for info)
First, 'rm /flashcard' to remove that incorrect file creation.
mkdir /mnt/flashcard
mount -t vfat /dev/hde1 /mnt/flashcard
cp /etc/fstab /mnt/flashcard
ls /mnt/flashcard/
cat /mnt/flashcard/fstab
If mount -t vfat doesn't work, try
mount -t msdos /dev/hde1 /mnt/flashcard
if all that works, you should be happy. If you want to change your file system on the flashcard, see if this link (
http://ldots.org/prodrive/ )might give you some ideas (for examples only, change device names to yours, backup any important files on the device to make sure you have fun, not trouble).
I hope this helps.