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Old 06-27-2006, 11:14 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
Distribution: Ubuntu, Opensuse
Posts: 14

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PC power problem


Apart from the fact that I'm running Linux, I think this is more of a general hardware problem...unless someone can say otherwise. Anyway, any help apprectiated.

My PC won't boot at all (not a lilo problem). I press the button and nothing - it's a dead duck.

I can see there is some power as a usb device has a light lit, but there is no boot - no beeping either to say memory or hard drive is unseated.

Then, sometimes, after I've left it for a while it starts up all by itself.

Any thoughts at what I should be looking at.

Old 06-27-2006, 12:11 PM   #2
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Arizona
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I would definately check that all your power connections are seated correctly. Your may power connection maybe loose and not making a good contact. Out of curiousity, what is your power supply rated at, in watts? Also, has this system been working correctly in the past and recently started having problems? Or, have you installed new hardware that may be causing a problem?
Old 06-27-2006, 12:43 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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I think you're probably right. I gave it a shake whilst pressing the button and that seemed to help start it up. Something must be loose somewhere, but I don't know where.

It has been working happily in the past and I don't think the problems started with an upgrade.

May have just broken my graphics card though so can't see what's going on now it's on as it hasn't picked up the network.

I'm not actually sure of the wattage though there's quite a lot in there to power. Thanks for your help, I think it must be connection trouble but I've reseated everything so it must be worn somewhere.

Thanks for the advice
Old 06-27-2006, 01:12 PM   #4
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Arizona
Distribution: Slackware, RHEL, others
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Problems like this are sometimes hard to track down. If you use the power button alot, it's possible that the switch is going bad. This could also explain the system starting up on its own. It's possible there's a scew floating around in there, shorting something out. Just some things that came to mind, hope it helps...
Old 06-27-2006, 05:29 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
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Well, it looks like the loose connection is in my brain. I bought a new power supply and nothing at all - then had a look and it seems the power switch was connected to the wrong jumper.

Don't actually know why this had become a problem rather than being a problem all along, but looks like it was trouble with the wetware.

Thanks for taking note though - it's a lonely business when the pc turns into a large paperweight!



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