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Old 06-03-2011, 12:49 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2011
Location: Osaka, Japan
Distribution: Gentoo, Opensuse
Posts: 275

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Patriot MLC SSD trouble


I'm having a strange problem with one of my ssd's in Linux.

I can eventually use the ssd for a Gentoo install but it takes too much work(more than it should). What happens is that every live or install cd I've tried automatically decides that the ssd is a raid device and sets it up as raid with double the size. Its 32GB and its set up as 64GB. Of course it doesn't work.

I have to manually unmount, turn off dmraid, install and then disable dmraid completely(I have trouble doing this on OpenSuse).

The SSD I'm using is a Patriot100 MLC 32GB. Other SSD's that I've tried have no problem being found and manipulated with cfdisk, fdisk or parted but my Patriot SSD just doesn't want to play nice.

Has anyone else had a similar issue with an SSD? I thought that they were mostly the same.
Old 06-17-2011, 08:15 AM   #2
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(some) SSD are raid devices "inside". That's why they can achieve such high speeds.
Maybe it can't fool you Linux ;^).
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