Overnight bluetooth keyboard/mouse dropout. Logitech MX1000, Logitech MX5000. Xubuntu
What has been happening is that if I connect the mouse and keyboard with sudo hidd --search, they work fine.
Then after extended time not using the computer, say overnight, they won't reconnect in the morning. I have to go get the wired keyboard out, push the connect buttons, and run sudo hidd --search again.
This is most annoying, and others in my family can't use the computer because they don't know how to do that.
How can I fix this? I leave my computer on 24/7.
I have, on other (K)Ubuntu installations, tried editing some config files. They didn't work on Kubuntu or Ubuntu. It was where you enter the mac address of the device. I don't really remember..
I have to go remove the trust from the devices and go though the whole connect process again. How do I fix this? Any ideas?
Last edited by Mysticle31; 12-15-2007 at 01:47 PM.